Spain and France are experiencing minor price fluctuations, while Slovakia has seen an increase from €136 to €148 per 100 kg.
2025-02-13 00:00
In the comparison between week 4 (ending 26-01-25) and week 5 (ending 02-02-25), price changes per 100 kg varied among different countries. In Spain (ES), the price increased slightly from €94 in week 4 to €97 in week 5. Similarly, France (FR) experienced a minor decrease in price, dropping from €112 in
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Fruits and vegetables on supermarket shelves in Singapore, the trading center of Southeast Asia.
2025-02-13 00:00
Pomimo że jest miastem-państwem, Singapur jest jednym z najważniejszych centrów handlowych w globalnym handlu, w tym owocami i warzywami. W 2023 roku roczne importy świeżych owoców i warzyw do Singapuru przekroczyły 1,1 miliarda dolarów, co sprawia, że kraj ten jest 30. największym importerem tych produktów na świecie.
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Campaign launched to promote sustainability in Indian floriculture
2025-02-13 00:00
Growers' Flower Council of India (GFCI) and India Florist Association (IFA) are teaming up with the environmental group "Beautiful Bharat" to raise awareness about simple steps that can help reduce waste and emissions from flowers. "It is estimated that the additional carbon footprint on Valentine's Day...
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Start-ups are addressing Israel's food security needs.
2025-02-12 16:00
Last month marked the return of Israel's International Food Security & Technology conference, the second edition of the event held in Sderot in southern Israel, a small city that was heavily impacted by the events of October 7, 2023.
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Analysis: Now New Zealand's exports are back on track.
2025-02-12 16:00
Po kilku sezonach, o których wielu Nowozelandczyków wolałoby zapomnieć, długoterminowy wzrost eksportu świeżych owoców z Nowej Zelandii wydaje się być z powrotem na właściwej ścieżce.
After a couple of seasons that many Kiwis would prefer to forget, New Zealand's long-term growth in fresh fruit exports appears to be back on track. read more
After a couple of seasons that many Kiwis would prefer to forget, New Zealand's long-term growth in fresh fruit exports appears to be back on track. read more
The harvest forecast for the Southern Hemisphere for 2025 indicates a 5.5% increase in apples to a total of 4,746,639 tons compared to the previous year (4,499,328 tons). South Africa is expected to maintain its position as the largest producer with 1,474,767 tons (+3.4% from 2024), followed by...
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Mexico: Blackberry harvest slightly bigger than last year
2025-02-12 13:00
In 2019, blackberry cultivation in Mexico reached a peak of 298,000 tons, which is likely to be equaled only after some time. In the pandemic year of 2020, production plummeted by 27%, but it has been gradually increasing since then.
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Momentum is growing for the 2025 Australian Citrus Congress.
2025-02-12 07:00
Preparations are intensifying for Citrus Australia's 2025 Australian Citrus Congress, where the country's citrus growers, industry leaders, and innovators will come together for a dynamic event filled with insights, technology, and networking in the heart of the New South Wales Riverina region.
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The Australian government has decided to no longer implement the Biosecurity Protection Levy.
2025-02-12 03:00
Australia's fresh produce and broader agriculture sector have expressed their approval of the Australian government's decision to retract a proposed Biosecurity Protection Levy.
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France and Germany are leading the growth in avocado consumption in Europe as demand surges in 2024.
2025-02-12 00:00
Najnowsze dane dotyczące spożycia[1] z sezonu 2023/24, udostępnione przez Światową Organizację Awokado, ujawniają, że niektóre europejskie rynki są jednymi z największych konsumentów awokado, przy czym kraje takie jak Francja, Niemcy, Wielka Brytania i Włochy wszystkie odnotowały znaczne wzrosty spożycia na osobę.
[1] - The latest consumption data - najnowsze dane dotyczące spożycia read more
[1] - The latest consumption data - najnowsze dane dotyczące spożycia read more
Iran's potato prices have increased by 103%, causing economic difficulties and prompting government intervention.
2025-02-12 00:00
A record increase in potato prices is causing further financial difficulties for Iranians, especially as one in three households are reportedly struggling to afford basic necessities. The crisis has become more prominent as the leaders of the three branches of government have intervened and issued a directive to address the situation.
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"Otrzymaliśmy większe ilości kiwi w porównaniu z ostatnimi kilkoma laty." "We received larger quantities of kiwis compared to the last few years."
2025-02-12 00:00
Although the kiwi season in Greece has mostly ended, the previous season was positive compared to previous ones, according to Dimitris Tzounopoulos, sales manager for Greek kiwi exporter A.C. Meliki. "The Greek kiwi season has been very good for the producers."
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The acreage dedicated to late onion cultivation in Spain will remain similar to that of 2024, despite poor marketing results.
2025-02-12 00:00
The early onion sowing in Spain was completed about a month ago. In this instance, the acreage has been reduced by 10 to 12%, with a significant drop of over 30% in Andalusia, the main early onion growing region in Spain. However, the acreage dedicated to mid-season and late onions is still being planted.
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The Ecuadorian Banana Cluster strengthens commercial ties in Germany within the framework of Fruit Logistica.
2025-02-12 00:00
During an evening that blended gastronomy, diplomacy, and business, the Embassy of Ecuador in Germany and the country's Banana Cluster organized the "Delights from the Middle of the World" dinner at the H10 Berlin Ku'damm Hotel on February 6. The event was attended by authorities and ...
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"Pumpkins, melons, and Perla Nera watermelons are among the protagonists of the upcoming OP Francescon Senegal season," reported President Bruno Francescon. "We manage 300 hectares directly in the African country. The first deliveries of pumpkins are scheduled for the third week of February."
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W miarę intensyfikacji dyskusji na temat ceł na kanadyjskie towary przed wyborami prezydenckimi w USA, wielu w branży spodziewało się zmiany polityki handlowej. Początkowa sceptyczność ustąpiła teraz miejsca pozornie zmieniającej się rzeczywistości. Administracja USA zmierza w kierunku zwiększenia handlu.
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US tariffs and increasing global protectionism are putting South Africa's $14 billion agricultural export market at risk.
2025-02-12 00:00
With the implementation of tariffs on imports from China, Canada, and Mexico, the US under President Trump has shifted trade dynamics. Initially targeting China in 2018, the strategy now includes allies like Canada and Mexico, escalating trade tensions. Globally, persistent trade friction.
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Swissport is increasing its logistical capacity in preparation for Valentine's Day.
2025-02-12 00:00
Swissport International has extended its 'Flower Corridor' infrastructure to important air cargo destinations in Europe. This infrastructure enables a fully temperature-controlled process for transporting fresh flowers from Kenya to Europe, extending their shelf life by up to a week. Just in time for Valentine's season,…
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Valfrutta Fresco joins forces with Fondazione Airc.
2025-02-12 00:00
Valfrutta Fresco, a company of the Alegra Group specializing in premium 100% Made in Italy fruit and vegetables, together with MD, a major retail chain present throughout the country, have launched an important initiative to support the AIRC Foundation for cancer research: until February 23rd.
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Po wcześniejszych taryfach importowych na Meksyk, Kanadę i Chiny — z których niektóre później zostały wstrzymane — prezydent USA Trump teraz zatwierdził nowe cła importowe na stal i aluminium. Począwszy od 12 marca, zarządził 25% podatek importowy na całą stal i aluminium wchodzącą do USA, co stanowi znaczącą
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