"Długie papryki osiągają najwyższe ceny"
2025-01-16 00:00
The weather in Crete has not been very cold so far, allowing greenhouse peppers to yield around 45 tons per hectare. According to Mr. Nikos Tsourdinis, the owner of the Cretan packing company Tsourdinis S.A., it appears that production will continue at these levels, possibly slightly lower, for...
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Syngenta Vegetable Seeds is fully entering the elongated tomato market, specifically the San Marzano variety, one of the most characteristic products of Made in Italy, with Baroncino, a variety developed specifically to meet the needs of the Campania region.
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Rijk Zwaan's Innovations at Fruit Logistica 2025
2025-01-16 00:00
Rijk Zwaan's Innovations at Fruit Logistica 2025
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Popyt na świeże truskawki w Ameryce Północnej jest ogromny. Tylko w samej Kanadzie w 2023 roku importowano ponad 145 046 ton metrycznych tego owocu, głównie z USA lub Meksyku. Jednak importowane owoce często są krytykowane za brak smaku i wartości odżywczych. Poprzez ich użycie
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The Great Beauty embroiders a new dress for the lemons.
2025-01-16 00:00
Like any respectable trade fair, Marca Fresh also had its share of product launches: among the most notable for this edition is the lemon from the Great Italian Beauty.
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The Canary Islands banana sector has experienced a recovery in 2024, following a 2023 that was marked by record production, but also very low prices.
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Boosting the demand for South African table grapes
2025-01-16 00:00
The South African table grape industry is now operating with more foresight than ever before, thanks to a prescriptive logistics model. They are now able to run scenarios up to eight weeks in advance to determine the most optimal logistics solutions. Although the 2024/25 season started slightly later,
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Weeds, pests, and fertilization of strawberries
2025-01-16 00:00
As reported by Tomasz Domański, an advisor from Agrosimex company, the issue of pests in strawberries is increasing year by year, and their control is becoming increasingly challenging. An example of this is the raspberry beetle, which has proven to be very difficult to eradicate in recent years.
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Sneak peek of the new Echinacea Kismet flower
2025-01-16 00:00
Terra Nova Nurseries announced today a sneak peek of its new Echinacea Kismet 'Kiwi'. This perennial is a true novelty with its melon-green, spider mum-type flowers atop tall, strong stems, the Terra Nova team states. "Echinacea Kismet 'Kiwi' displays a fast and clumping growth habit and thrives".
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"An unusually high percentage of fruit damaged by hail, up to one third of the total volume"
2025-01-16 00:00
Jak jest powszechnie znane, w zeszłym późnym lecie w Altes Land zebrano mniejsze plony w porównaniu z poprzednim rokiem. "Całkowity plon był około 20-25 procent poniżej poziomu poprzedniego roku. Ponieważ mieliśmy stosunkowo obfite zbiory w sezonie 23/24, sklasyfikowałbym tegoroczny"
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Ventura, a leading brand in the Italian dried fruit market, is renewing its presence in the world of sports by promoting the brand and products at the Ski World Cup in Cortina d’Ampezzo, scheduled for January 18 and 19.
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TikTok strikes again: tomatoes on bridges (wait, what?)
2025-01-16 00:00
A bridge in Ireland has been completely covered with tomatoes. Initially, a few tomatoes got stuck to the stonework due to the recent freezing conditions. However, as news spread, people began adding their own tomatoes. The bridge has now become one of Dublin's most popular tourist attractions after going viral.
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Syngenta introduces Baroncino, a San Marzano tomato variety.
2025-01-16 00:00
Syngenta Vegetable Seeds is fully entering the elongated tomato market, specifically the San Marzano type, with Baroncino, a variety developed specifically to meet the needs of the Campania region through close collaboration with local experts and producers. This is a new development.
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Red Bouquet is Anecoop's new project dedicated to red oranges.
2025-01-16 00:00
Anecoop is launching its new project Red Bouquet, a brand for red oranges featuring a selection of new varieties and notably reintroducing those traditionally grown in Valencia. With the increasing demand for red oranges, the company aims to expand in the domestic market, as well as...
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Egipt's frozen strawberry exports to Brazil have increased 30 times over the past five years!
2025-01-16 00:00
Egipt znacząco zwiększył eksport mrożonych truskawek do Brazylii, z dostawami wzrastającymi 30-krotnie w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat, według EastFruit. Do końca 2024 roku Egipt wysłał do Brazylii ponad 30 000 ton mrożonych truskawek, o wartości 27 milionów dolarów, ustanawiając nowy rekord wszechczasów.
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Zerbinati is the protagonist in Marca 2025.
2025-01-16 00:00
Zerbinati, a leading company in Italy in the production of salads, fresh vegetables, and ready-to-eat dishes, is present at the specialized trade fair Marca, the great showcase where Italian excellence products are exhibited for private labels. The fair is scheduled until today.
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At Marca Fresh, the General Director is wondering how to boost fruit and vegetable consumption.
2025-01-16 00:00
How to increase fruit and vegetable sales in light of stagnant consumption? During the first day of Marca Fresh, four retail managers discussed strategies to be implemented in a roundtable moderated by Salvo Garipoli, director of Sgmarketing. The overall picture Salvo
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Brazil's orange juice exports decreased by 19.7%, while revenues increased by 42.7% due to supply shortages.
2025-01-16 00:00
Brazil, the world's top producer and exporter of orange juice, experienced a 19.7% decline in its orange juice exports in the first half of the 2024/25 crop year compared to the same period in the previous season, as reported by CitrusBR, an organization representing citrus juice exporters in the country.
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Provisur, producent przemysłowego sprzętu do przetwarzania żywności z siedzibą w Chicago, Illinois, zaprezentuje różnorodne maszyny na targach Fruit Logistica 2025. Stoisko Provisur będzie prezentować modułowe systemy produkcyjne do wyrobu kompotów, musów i soków owocowych, w tym sprzęt takich jak STS, Barracuda.
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Exports of Chilean cherries have reached $3.1 billion, with prices falling by 50% due to a surplus in China.
2025-01-16 00:00
The Chilean cherry industry has faced difficulties in the market recently due to an excess in production leading to a surplus in the Chinese market, which has impacted prices. This issue arises as the Chinese New Year approaches on January 29, a time known for higher fruit consumption.
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