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Found pages with "biodegradable"
2023-07-11 00:00:00
"Biodegradowalny spray do gleby dłużej utrzymuje wodę deszczową i wodę do nawadniania"
"Wszędzie na świecie rolnictwo i ogrodnictwo mają problem z wodą. Albo jest jej za dużo, albo za mało". Tak mówi Rob van de Meer, który jest zaangażowany jako konsultant biznesowy
2023-07-11 12:00:00
Southern Biorefinery wins UAL award for best start-up
A company that converts agricultural waste into bioplastics has been awarded the prize for best start-up by the University of Almería’s at its UAL Ideas Fair. The project, created by Jesús
2023-07-11 00:00:00
"Biodegradable soil spray keeps rainwater and irrigation water available longer"
"Everywhere in the world, agriculture and horticulture have a problem with water. Either there is too much, or there is too little." So says Rob van de Meer, who is involved as a business
2023-07-11 00:00:00
"Биоразлагаемый почвенный спрей позволяет дольше сохранять дождевую и поливную воду"
"Везде в мире у сельского хозяйства и садоводства есть проблема с водой. Либо ее слишком много, либо слишком
2023-05-30 00:00:00
Pineapple stem starch film developed as biodegradable packaging material
A group of researchers from universities in Thailand and Malaysia have collaborated to develop a unique film that is good for the environment and can decompose naturally. This film was created
2023-05-24 00:00:00
"We want to bring our cost savings, service, and technology to the produce industry"
Tychon Packaging announced their entrance into the produce packaging market with TychonVert. TychonVert is a ‘Go-Green’ packaging supplier offering fully recyclable, compostable, and
2023-04-26 00:00:00
Organic bags, no obligation to use in supermarkets
It will no longer be compulsory to use the bio shoppers (i.e. biodegradable bags) offered by supermarkets when shopping. In fact, it will be possible to 'use containers independently found by the
2023-02-27 00:00:00
"Egyptian exporters are increasingly opting for biodegradable packaging"
The packaging industry in Egypt has benefited from a good agricultural season and increased exports, said Mohamed Ali, co-founder of the packaging manufacturer FreshDeal: "In terms of quantity,
2024-02-02 17:08:00
EARTHPACK evolution of packaging from CMSA
With more than 25 years’ experience in the market, a strong international presence and a talented team of dedicated professionals, CMSA is one of the industry’s leading references in
2023-01-31 00:00:00
A French manufacturer of biodegradable cellulose-based nets
Located in the Finistère department, Bretagne Pack is launching its range of cellulose-based packaging nets. At Bretagne Pack, the environment is a priority. The French manufacturer has designed