Ukrainian farmers are increasing potato prices once again.
2025-01-24 00:00
Po krótkim okresie stabilizacji ceny hurtowe ziemniaków na Ukrainie zaczęły ponownie rosnąć, według EastFruit. Eksperci przypisują ten najnowszy wzrost cen do ogólnego zmniejszenia podaży ziemniaków z lokalnych gospodarstw. Wielu ukraińskich producentów, nie posiadając długoterminowych magazynów, sprzedało.
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Molokhia, also known as Egyptian spinach, Jew’s mallow, or jute mallow, is a nutrient-packed leafy green that has deep cultural and historical roots in Egypt. Renowned as the “National Dish of Egypt,” molokhia holds a special place in the culinary traditions of the Middle East.
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Egypt has broken a record for potato exports to the UK.
2025-01-23 00:00
Egipt nadal szybko zwiększa eksport ziemniaków do Wielkiej Brytanii, zgodnie z informacjami od EastFruit. Po ustanowieniu rekordowego wolumenu eksportu w 2023 roku, egipscy eksporterzy dalsze zwiększyli wolumen o 2,7 raza w 2024 roku.
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An Egyptian company is expanding its citrus production and exports.
2025-01-23 00:00
Juhayna's Amr Eltarabolsy is optimistic about the future of Egyptian citrus, as the company expands its presence in both the fresh fruit and juice markets globally.
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Carrot prices are starting to increase in Ukraine again.
2025-01-22 00:00
This week, analysts from the EastFruit project reported that carrot prices in the Ukrainian market have started to rise again. Market participants attribute the price increase to the relatively high demand for quality carrots and limited supply. Wholesale companies are also...
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Morocco has resumed exporting oranges to the USA and has achieved record annual volumes.
2025-01-22 00:00
Morocco has successfully resumed its orange exports to the USA, following a significant decline in 2023, according to EastFruit. Impressively, in the first 11 months of 2024, Moroccan orange exports reached a new record high.
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Emilia Lewandowska, office manager for Fruit-Group, proudly stated that the Polish apple industry is supplying apples for the EU council during Poland's presidency. She mentioned, "Poland will hold the presidency of the EU council for six months, and the apple has been chosen as the symbol of this."
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Market activity in Eastern Europe and Central Asia continued to increase during the previous week, while prices for fruits and vegetables have mostly declined.
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Spain has fallen out of the top 10 as it was overtaken by Egypt, Indonesia, and Ukraine, according to Faostat.
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Kolejny spadek cen cebuli na Ukrainie.
2025-01-17 00:00
Z powodu gwałtownego spadku jakości przechowywanych cebul w 2024 roku, ukraińscy producenci rozpoczęli masowe obniżanie cen tego produktu w tym tygodniu, według analityków z projektu EastFruit. Innym czynnikiem negatywnie wpływającym na ceny w tym segmencie jest spadek popytu na.
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Expanding the market for snacking cucumbers
2025-01-16 00:00
The growers' organization FreshValley, located in the Dutch town of Sevenum, began producing the snack cucumber Quantario RZ in 2024, and it has already become a successful venture. Sales Manager Teun van Roosmalen is proud of the partnership with Rijk Zwaan. "Together, we can achieve even greater success."
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Egipt's frozen strawberry exports to Brazil have increased 30 times over the past five years!
2025-01-16 00:00
Egipt znacząco zwiększył eksport mrożonych truskawek do Brazylii, z dostawami wzrastającymi 30-krotnie w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat, według EastFruit. Do końca 2024 roku Egipt wysłał do Brazylii ponad 30 000 ton mrożonych truskawek, o wartości 27 milionów dolarów, ustanawiając nowy rekord wszechczasów.
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Yet another rise in tomato prices in Ukraine
2025-01-16 00:00
Analysts from the EastFruit project report that a significant decrease in the supply of greenhouse tomatoes on the Ukrainian market this week has enabled sellers to slightly raise wholesale prices in this segment. The main supplier of the product during this period is traditionally Turkey, however...
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Brak wody – brak arbuzów: Marokańskie eksporty arbuzów spadły o 8 lat z powodu problemów z wodą.
2025-01-15 00:00
Eksport arbuza z Maroka zmniejsza się po raz drugi z rzędu, według EastFruit. W pierwszych 10 miesiącach 2024 roku, jedynie 113,5 tysiąca ton arbuza o wartości 96 milionów dolarów zostało wysłanych na rynki międzynarodowe, stanowiąc najniższą liczbę od 2017 roku.
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Carrot prices are starting to decrease in Ukraine.
2025-01-15 00:00
This week, analysts from the EastFruit project have reported a decline in wholesale prices for carrots in Ukraine. Producers are stating that they are now sorting through their current stock of root vegetables more frequently, with rejection rates notably higher than before.
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Weekly produce market review: Prices for fruits and vegetables are increasing once more.
2025-01-13 00:00
W drugim tygodniu 2025 roku odnotowano stopniową poprawę aktywności uczestników na regionalnych platformach handlowych owocami i warzywami, chociaż nie wróciła jeszcze do poziomów sprzed świąt. Dynamikę rynku wpłynęły różne czynniki, w tym dostępność różnych produktów.
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Morocco aims to reach a target of 90,000 tons of avocados by 2024/25, with a focus on dominating the export market.
2025-01-12 00:00
Morocco has witnessed a significant rise in its avocado cultivation and exports, as data reveals that from October to December 31, 2024, the country exported 42,000 tons of avocados. According to FreshPlaza, the projection for the 2024/2025 harvest is approximately 90,000 tons, with plans to export between
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European apple stocks are lower than last year, according to the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA).
2025-01-11 00:00
The World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) has released its stock figures as of December 1, 2024, displaying the year-on-year (YOY) changes in apple and pear stocks in Europe and the United States. The data reveals regional trends, varietal shifts, and overall stock levels, as reported by FreshPlaza.
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Another wave of price increase for greenhouse cucumbers is being observed in Ukraine.
2025-01-10 00:00
Analysts from the EastFruit project reported that the price increase for greenhouse cucumbers in the Ukrainian market continued this week. Several key factors contributed to this situation. The demand for greenhouse vegetables remained consistently high, while the supply of these products was limited.
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Egypt is increasing its market presence in Germany for fresh grapes.
2025-01-10 00:00
Egipskie eksporty winogron do Niemiec nadal rosną. Po ustanowieniu rekordu w 2023 roku, eksporterzy dalej zwiększyli swoje dostawy, dostarczając 26,5 tysiąca ton winogron o wartości 739 milionów dolarów na rynek niemiecki w 2024 roku, zgodnie z informacjami ze strony EastFruit. Ta ilość stanowi nowy rekord, przewyższający rok 2023.
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