W okresie Bożego Narodzenia w Finlandii konsumpcja czerwonych jabłek idzie w parze z coraz bardziej egzotycznymi owocami. Według Kaisy Malmberg, dyrektora generalnego firmy Satotukku należącej do Greenfood, wiodącego importera i sprzedawcy hurtowego świeżych owoców i warzyw w Finlandii, "Czerwone jabłka z odmiany Red Delicious sprzedają się dobrze, tylko przed..."
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The EastFruit team provides detailed analyses of the fruit and vegetable market from the previous week in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East. These analyses are based on the offers and bids on the largest regional EF trade platform, which has 26,000 participants from 50 countries worldwide.
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Pakistani mandarins have been temporarily banned in Uzbekistan due to fake phytosanitary certificates.
2024-12-23 00:00
Na rynku owoców w Uzbekistanie rozwija się poważny problem. Według EastFruit, mandarynki z Pakistanu zazwyczaj są najbardziej dostępnym owocem na uzbekistańskim stole noworocznym oraz w innych krajach Azji Środkowej. Po wejściu tych owoców na rynek w grudniu, ceny
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Another price increase for tomatoes has been reported in Ukraine.
2024-12-22 00:00
According to analysts from the EastFruit project, there is a noticeable increase in demand for greenhouse tomatoes leading up to the New Year holidays, which is driving a significant price rise for this product in the Ukrainian market. Experts emphasize that currently, the market is predominantly composed of.
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According to EastFruit, cocoa futures rose above $12,000 per ton in New York, hitting a new record high due to growing concerns about decreased production in the top cocoa producer, Ivory Coast.
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According to EastFruit, Morocco has significantly increased its orange juice exports this year, shipping over 11,000 tons to international markets in nine months, with a total value exceeding $18 million.
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Według EastFruit, przed 2014 rokiem Rosja była jednym z najatrakcyjniejszych rynków dla owoców i warzyw na świecie. Wiele krajów rozwijało swoją produkcję, kierując ją na ten rynek, który płacił wysokie ceny i miał stosunkowo niskie wymagania dotyczące jakości i bezpieczeństwa.
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Greenhouse tomato surplus: Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan face challenges due to the decline in the Russian market
2024-12-18 00:00
Według analityków z EastFruit, Turkmenistan, w większym stopniu, oraz Uzbekistan, w mniejszym stopniu, borykają się z znaczącymi trudnościami w sprzedaży warzyw szklarniowych. Obecnie największym problemem jest segment pomidorów szklarniowych, chociaż zazwyczaj jest to szczyt sezonu dla tego produktu.
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The cold weather in Morocco is reducing pepper production.
2024-12-17 00:00
According to EastFruit, pepper production in Morocco has decreased this week because of the colder temperatures and the viral pressure from TSW and PMMV in the Souss Massa region. Obeida Mansour, a pepper producer in Agadir, stated that production on his farms has dropped by 30 to 40%.
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Economic strain: Russia bans the publication of the inflation index as potato and vegetable prices continue to rise.
2024-12-17 00:00
According to EastFruit, Russian authorities have prohibited the publication of the FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) deflator index by the research holding ROMIR. This index revealed much higher price growth rates than the official figures from Rosstat, which had displeased the Putin regime.
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The EastFruit team frequently receives requests for information about the processing of fruits and vegetables. Today, we will examine tomatoes and the primary tomato-based processed product - tomato paste.
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Shortage of mandarins and increasing prices: weekly analysis of produce markets in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
2024-12-16 00:00
EastFruitteam provides detailed analyses of the fruit and vegetable market from the previous week in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East. These analyses are based on the offers and bids received on the largest regional EastFruit trade platform, which has 26,000 participants from 50 countries worldwide.
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Belarus's ban on potato exports is causing further concerns for potato-deficient Russia.
2024-12-16 00:00
Według informacji ze strony EastFruit, Białoruś niedawno wprowadziła zakaz eksportu ziemniaków obawiając się gwałtownego wzrostu cen. Decyzja ta ma na celu zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego kraju i stabilizację krajowego rynku.
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Shortage of mandarins and increasing prices: weekly market analysis for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
2024-12-16 00:00
The EastFruit team provides in-depth market analyses of fruit and vegetable prices from the previous week in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East. These analyses are based on the buying and selling activities on the largest regional EastFruit trade platform, which has 26,000 participants from 50 countries worldwide.
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Explore Egypt's finest winter fruits!
2024-12-16 00:00
Według EastFruit, Egipt, znany ze swoich starożytnych piramid i bogatej kultury, posiada także inny skarb ukryty w swoich żyznych ziemiach: obfitość owoców zimowych. Ta obfitość nie jest przypadkowa, ponieważ bogata gleba i korzystny klimat Egiptu przyczyniają się do różnorodności i stałego dostępu do owoców.
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Den Berk Délice opens its first in-house greenhouse in Morocco.
2024-12-14 00:00
According to EastFruit, Den Berk Délice has opened its first in-house greenhouse in Agadir, Morocco. By taking full control of foreign cultivation, Den Berk Délice guarantees consistent quality and taste for its customers all year round.
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Prices of greenhouse cucumbers are dropping in Ukraine.
2024-12-13 00:00
This week, analysts from the EastFruit project have reported a decrease in wholesale prices for cucumbers in Ukraine. Sellers are attributing this to the unusually low demand for greenhouse cucumbers in mid-December and see it as a necessary measure.
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Prosper Africa is backing a $15.2 million investment in Moroccan red fruit and tomato grower SPMS.
2024-12-13 00:00
Prosper Africa is driving agricultural production and improving environmental and social impact in Morocco through Vantage Capital's €14 million ($15.2 million) investment in Société de Production Maraîchère Samir S.A. (SPMS), a Moroccan producer of red fruits and tomatoes.
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Potato prices in Ukraine are on the rise once again.
2024-12-13 00:00
This week, Ukraine's potato market has seen a significant increase in trading activity, as reported by analysts from the EastFruit project. Industry experts point out that, in response to growing demand, farmers are raising their selling prices in this sector.
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Ukrainian apples: export prices reach record levels
2024-12-12 00:00
Według analityków EastFruit, sezon 2024/25 przyniósł gwałtowny wzrost cen eksportowych ukraińskich jabłek. Największy wzrost średnich cen eksportu odnotowano w przypadku przesyłek do Zjednoczonych Emiratów Arabskich, gdzie importerzy płacili w tym sezonie 40-60% więcej za ukraińskie owoce. Ceny eksportu dla
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