Zespół EastFruit rozpoczyna proces selekcji importerów owoców i warzyw oraz kupców sieci supermarketów z Polski, Rumunii, Ukrainy, Kazachstanu i Uzbekistanu na bezpłatną wycieczkę na targi Food Africa w Kairze, w Egipcie, od 3 do 5 grudnia 2024 r., w ramach których odbędą się negocjacje.
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Ukraine is resuming the import of oranges amid intense competition between Egypt and Turkey.
2024-10-16 00:00
W sezonie 2023/24 Ukraina z powodzeniem przywróciła import pomarańczy, co oznacza trzeci z rzędu sezon wobec pełnoskalowej agresji Rosji, zgodnie z informacjami portalu EastFruit. Od listopada 2023 do czerwca 2024 ukraińscy importerzy sprowadzili 65 000 ton pomarańczy, przewyższając...
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The Ukrainian company "Sady Dnipra" (TM UApple) has started exporting apples from the 2024 harvest to Middle Eastern countries. However, facing logistical challenges and saturated markets in the region, the company has decided to shift its focus to the EU market, as reported by EastFruit.
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Georgia, Zimbabwe, and Ukraine - The Rise of New Blueberry Giants
2024-10-14 00:00
Według analityków EastFruit, krajobraz światowych 20 największych eksporterów borówki amerykańskiej uległ znaczącym zmianom w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat. Podczas gdy większość uczestników rynku skupia się na pięciu największych eksporterach, najbardziej dynamiczny wzrost często występuje w krajach spoza pierwszej dziesiątki.
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EastFruit analysts have reported the successful delivery of the first shipment of table grapes from Uzbekistan to the USA. This initial shipment was intended to assess the market and determine American consumer interest in Uzbek grapes. The feedback was favorable, opening the door for future exports.
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Greenhouse tomatoes in Ukraine are becoming increasingly expensive.
2024-10-12 00:00
Ukrainian greenhouse enterprises are increasing tomato prices, as reported by analysts from the EastFruit project. Market participants attribute this situation to a significant decrease in the supply of greenhouse vegetables, while demand remains stable. Producers state that tomato yields in
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Even grape breeders are now shifting their focus towards blueberries! Blueberries have emerged as one of the fastest-growing fruits in the world in terms of production, consumption, and international trade, as frequently emphasized by experts at EastFruit. In contrast, the grape market seems to be lagging behind.
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Ceny ogórków szklarniowych na Ukrainie znów rosną, według analityków z EastFruit. Uczestnicy rynku wskazują na kilka czynników przyczyniających się do tego wzrostu. Po pierwsze, podaż ogórków zmniejszyła się ze względu na niestabilne plony zarówno w szklarniach stacjonarnych, jak i foliowych. Jednocześnie
The prices for greenhouse cucumbers in Ukraine are rising again, according to analysts from EastFruit. Market participants point to several contributing factors. Firstly, the supply of cucumbers has decreased due to unstable yields in both stationary and film greenhouses. Simultaneously, read more
The prices for greenhouse cucumbers in Ukraine are rising again, according to analysts from EastFruit. Market participants point to several contributing factors. Firstly, the supply of cucumbers has decreased due to unstable yields in both stationary and film greenhouses. Simultaneously, read more
According to analysts at EastFruit, following Kazakhstan's ban on the export of apples from the country, Belarus has recently implemented a similar ban. This ban also applies to exports to Russia. In addition to apples, onions and white cabbage are also restricted from being exported.
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The European producers of the Pink Lady apple variety are expecting a great season this year, with an estimated harvest of over 220,000 tons. This represents a projected increase of 5% compared to the previous season.
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Mexico has surpassed Peru in the export of asparagus to the UK.
2024-10-10 00:00
Mexico had been the world's top supplier of fresh asparagus until 2021. However, in 2022, Peru regained the top spot after a five-year hiatus, pushing Mexico into second place. Since then, Mexico has been concentrating on expanding its market presence in areas also targeted by Peru.
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Poland more than doubled its imports of fruits and vegetables from Egypt between 2019 and 2023.
2024-10-10 00:00
Od 2019 roku Polska znacząco zwiększyła import owoców i warzyw z Egiptu, a jego wartość wzrosła z 36 milionów dolarów do 85 milionów dolarów - informuje EastFruit. Dodatkowo, w pierwszych siedmiu miesiącach tego roku polscy importerzy już sprowadzili produkty o wartości prawie 60 milionów dolarów.
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Onion prices in Ukraine are beginning to drop.
2024-10-09 00:00
Według danych monitorowanych codziennie przez projekt EastFruit, ceny cebuli na Ukrainie zaczęły stopniowo spadać w tym tygodniu. Producenci zgłaszają zauważalne osłabienie popytu na ten produkt, podczas gdy podaż na rynku stopniowo rośnie z powodu trwających prac żniwnych.
According to daily monitoring data from the EastFruit project, onion prices in Ukraine have started to gradually decrease this week. Producers report a noticeable weakening in demand for this product, while supply in the market is gradually increasing due to ongoing harvest activities. read more
According to daily monitoring data from the EastFruit project, onion prices in Ukraine have started to gradually decrease this week. Producers report a noticeable weakening in demand for this product, while supply in the market is gradually increasing due to ongoing harvest activities. read more
FruitMasters, the largest fruit cooperative in the Netherlands, is aiming to establish a new standard for apples in stores by introducing a taste guide at the beginning of the topfruit season, as reported by Fruitnet.
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Potato prices in Ukraine have reached new record highs.
2024-10-09 00:00
The excitement in the potato market in Ukraine continues unabated, despite the ongoing harvest of this product in local farms, according to analysts from the EastFruit project. According to the producers themselves, the main factor driving up prices in the potato segment is the reduced yield due to various factors.
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Zespri is conducting trials of Italian red kiwifruit in Belgium.
2024-10-08 00:00
The kiwifruit company Zespri has begun pre-commercial trials of red kiwifruit grown in Italy in a small number of stores in Belgium, as reported by Fruitnet.
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Morocco is continuing to increase its tomato exports this year.
2024-10-08 00:00
Morocco is continuing to strengthen the increasing trend in greenhouse tomato exports this year, after the industry's recovery from the crisis in autumn 2023, as reported by EastFruit. From January to July, Moroccan tomato exports have maintained record levels, with the country already having shipped.
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While the harvest of Polish apples was smaller this year, the sizes of the apples were larger.
2024-10-07 00:00
"Polish apple exporters may face a tough apple season. Some customers are reluctant to pay the increased prices, and there is also a high demand for apples from the processing industry," explains Jakub Krawczyk, the export manager at Polish apple exporter Appolonia.
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The prices of beets in Ukraine are now almost twice as high as they were a year ago.
2024-10-05 00:00
This week, Ukraine has witnessed a rise in wholesale prices for table beets, as reported by analysts from the EastFruit project. It is important to highlight that despite the slow sales of these root vegetables, the majority of producers have opted to increase prices.
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W cenach zimowych odmian jabłek w Ukrainie rosną.
2024-10-04 00:00
Analysts from the EastFruit project have reported an increasing trend in apple prices in Ukraine. This positive trend is mainly due to the seasonal decrease in the supply of autumn varieties, which are typically sold at a lower price compared to winter apple varieties.
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