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Wholesale prices


Prices from date: 26.07.2024
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Unit Change
Almond fraîche France coque 4 € 7 € kg 0.0%
Garlic blanc frais France avec fane kl1 60-80mm 5.5 € 7 € kg 0.0%
Garlic violet sec Spain kl1 60-80mm 4 € 6 € kg 0.0%
Garlic violet sec argentine kl1 60-80mm 4.5 € 7 € kg 0.0%
Garlic white suchy Spain kl1 60-80mm 3.5 € 5.5 € kg 0.0%
Mushrooms shiitake France 8.5 € 9.5 € kg 0.0%
abricot bergeron France kl1 45-50mm 2.2 € 2.8 € kg 0.0%
abricot bergeron France kl1 50-55mm 2.5 € 3.5 € kg 0.0%
abricot type oranges France kl1 40-45mm 1.5 € 2 € kg 0.0%
abricot type oranges France kl1 45-50mm 2 € 2.6 € kg 0.0%
abricot type oranges France kl1 50-55mm 2.3 € 3.2 € kg 0.0%
aneth France wiązka (les 10 bottes) 5.5 € 6.5 € kg 0.0%
apple golden France kl1 170/220g 1.3 € 1.5 € 2rg 0.0%
apple golden Poland kl1 170/220g 0.9 € 1.2 € 2rg 0.0%
apple golden colo1-2 France kl1 201/270g 1.6 € 1.8 € 1rg 0.0%
avocado hass prou opak 20 14 € 22 € 20 psc 0.0%
avocado hass pérou 15 € 23 € opak. 0.0%
avocat tropical brésil 3.5 € 4.5 € kg 0.0%
bananas afryka 0.9 € 1.3 € kg 0.0%
bananas ameryka centrale 0.9 € 1.3 € kg 0.0%
bananas dom 1.2 € 1.35 € kg 0.0%
basilic France wiązka (les 10 bottes) 4.5 € 6 € kg 0.0%
bataty import 1.5 € 2 € kg 0.0%
been green green France ramassé machine kl1 fin 2.5 € 3 € kg 0.0%
been green green kenya très fin 8 € 10 € kg 0.0%
been à écosser coco paimpol kl1 3.5 € 4.3 € 10kg 0.0%
beet liściowy (botwina) France 1.9 € 3 € kg 0.0%
beet red round cuite France 2 € 2.5 € kg 0.0%
broccoli France kl1 1.4 € 2 € kg +6.3%
broccoli Spain kl1 2.5 € 3 € kg -6.8%
cabbage chinois import kl1 1.4 € 1.8 € kg 0.0%
cabbage green France kl1 7.8 € 10 € opak. 0.0%
carrot France 1.3 € 1.6 € 12kg 0.0%
carrot France (fresh) 1.3 € 1.6 € kg 0.0%
carrot France kl1 0.8 € 1.2 € 10kg 0.0%
carrot Spain (fresh) 1.3 € 1.6 € kg 0.0%
carrot Spain kl1 0.8 € 1.2 € 10kg 0.0%
cauliflower France koronowany kl1 wholesale 6 7 € 10 € psc +6.3%
celeriac France 1.5 € 1.9 € kg 0.0%
celeriac green France kl1 1.4 € 1.6 € kg 0.0%
celeriac green ue kl1 1.1 € 1.6 € kg 0.0%
cerfeuil France wiązka (les 10 bottes) 4.5 € 6 € kg 0.0%
cerise Belgium kl1 +30mm 7.5 € 11 € kg 0.0%
champignon France pied entier kl1 3 € 3.6 € 0.0%
champignon Poland przycięte kl1 2.4 € 3 € 0.0%
chayotte costa-rica 2 € 2.6 € kg 0.0%
chicory France 2.8 € 3.5 € 5kg 0.0%
chicory France kl1 2.4 € 3.2 € 5kg 0.0%
chicory frisée France kl1 10 € 13 € opak. 0.0%
ciboulette France wiązka (les 10 bottes) 4 € 5 € kg 0.0%
clementines afryka południowa kl1 1-x 1 € 2 € kg 0.0%
coriandre France wiązka (les 10 bottes) 4 € 5 € kg 0.0%
cucumber France kl1 500-600g 0.9 € 1.1 € opak. 0.0%
cucumber Netherlands kl1 500-600g 0.75 € 0.85 € opak. 0.0%
datte deglet-nour dried algieria branche 4.5 € 6 € kg 0.0%
datte medjool dried import 8 € 10 € kg 0.0%
dill italy 1.8 € 2.3 € kg 0.0%
eggplant France kl1 1.6 € 2.2 € kg 0.0%
eggplant Netherlands kl1 1.4 € 1.9 € kg 0.0%
eggplant Spain kl1 1.1 € 1.4 € kg 0.0%
endive eskariola France kl1 10 € 13 € opak. 0.0%
estragon France wiązka (les 10 bottes) 5 € 6 € kg 0.0%
figs fraîche France grosse 9 € 15 € 0.0%
figs noire fraîche Spain grosse 6 € 8 € kg 0.0%
figs noire fraîche Spain kl1 petite 4 € 6 € 1rg 0.0%
fruit de la passion colorviolet colombie 6.5 € 9 € kg 0.0%
fruit de la passion colorviolet vietnam 9 € 13 € kg 0.0%
ginger lekarski chine 2.3 € 4.5 € kg 0.0%
girolle France 15 € 24 € kg 0.0%
girolle import 10 € 12 € kg 0.0%
granat import 5 € 6.3 € kg 0.0%
grapefruits afryka poudniowa opak 45 18 € 21 € 45 psc 0.0%
groseille red France 14.4 € 19.2 € 125g 0.0%
groseille red Netherlands 12 € 19.2 € 125g 0.0%
karczoch castel France kl1 15 € 17.2 € opak. +0.6%
karczoch violet France kl1 bouquet 12 13 € 26.4 € piece 0.0%
kiwi gold nouvelle-zélande kl1 114-124g-30- 23 € 30 € 30opak 0.0%
kiwi hayward nouvelle-zélande kl1 105-115g 33 35 € 43 € 10kg 0.0%
kiwi hayward nouvelle-zélande kl1 125-135g 27 38 € 45 € 10kg 0.0%
laurier France wiązka (les 10 bottes) 4.5 € 6 € kg 0.0%
leek France kl1 2 € 2.7 € kg 0.0%
lemon afryka południowa kl1 3(63-72mm) 1.5 € 1.8 € kg 0.0%
lettuce batavia blonde France kl1 8 € 11 € opak. 0.0%
lettuce dębolistna blonde France kl1 8 € 11 € opak. 0.0%
lettuce dębolistna red France kl1 8 € 11 € opak. 0.0%
lettuce głowiasta France kl1 8 € 11 € opak. 0.0%
lime brésil statek 3 € 4.5 € kg 0.0%
mango izrael samolot 5 € 6 € kg 0.0%
mango kent mexique samolot 6 € 8 € kg 0.0%
mango kent sénégal samolot 5 € 7 € kg 0.0%
mango kent sénégal statek 2 € 3 € kg 0.0%
melon charentais jaune France kl1 1150-1450g 1.3 € 2.4 € 0.0%
melon charentais jaune France kl1 750-975g 0.9 € 1.5 € 0.0%
melon charentais jaune France kl1 975-1250g 1.1 € 2.2 € 0.0%
menthe France wiązka (les 10 bottes) 3.5 € 4.5 € kg 0.0%
mre import 10.4 € 17.6 € 125g 0.0%
myrtille France 9.6 € 14.4 € 125g 0.0%
myrtille import 8 € 14.4 € 125g 0.0%
mélange salades mélange France 5 € 6.5 € kg 0.0%
nectarine chair blanche France kl1 a 2.2 € 2.5 € kg 0.0%
nectarine chair blanche France kl1 aa 2.5 € 2.8 € kg 0.0%
nectarine chair blanche Spain kl1 a 1.2 € 1.5 € kg 0.0%
nectarine chair blanche Spain kl1 aa 1.4 € 1.8 € kg 0.0%
nectarine chair jaune France kl1 a 2.2 € 3 € kg 0.0%
nectarine chair jaune France kl1 aa 2.5 € 2.8 € kg 0.0%
nectarine chair jaune Spain kl1 a 1.4 € 1.6 € kg 0.0%
nectarine chair jaune Spain kl1 aa 1.5 € 1.9 € kg 0.0%
noix de coco côte divoire 0.95 € 1.1 € opak. 0.0%
nut laskowy dried France +24mm 5.8 € 7 € kg 0.0%
onion shallot France kl1 1.3 € 1.6 € kg 0.0%
onion yellow France kl1 60-80mm 0.5 € 1.2 € kg 0.0%
oseille France wiązka (les 10 bottes) 5.5 € 6.5 € kg 0.0%
oyster mushrooms France 5 € 8 € kg 0.0%
oyster mushrooms import 4 € 6.5 € kg 0.0%
papaye brésil samolot 4 € 5 € kg 0.0%
parsley naciowa kędzierzawa ue wiązka (les 10 bottes) 4 € 5 € kg 0.0%
pastèque sans pépin Spain 1 € 1.3 € opak. 0.0%
pear "Conference" Netherlands kl1 65-70mm 1.6 € 2 € box 0.0%
peas łuskany France 2 € 2.5 € kg 0.0%
pepper green carré Netherlands kl1 wholesale 2 € 2.5 € kg 0.0%
pepper jaune carré Netherlands kl1 wholesale 2.8 € 3.5 € kg 0.0%
pepper ostra green maroko 1.5 € 2.8 € kg 0.0%
pepper red Netherlands kl1 wholesale 2.2 € 2.6 € kg 0.0%
pepper red Spain kl1 wholesale 1.7 € 2 € kg 0.0%
pepper red maroko kl1 wholesale 1.3 € 1.5 € kg 0.0%
pineapple pain de sucre import samolot 2.8 € 3.2 € kg 0.0%
pineapple sweet ameryka centrale b(1100-1500g) samolot 3.9 € 4.5 € kg 0.0%
pineapple victoria réunion samolot 5 € 6 € kg 0.0%
potatoes chair ferme divvarcons France myte kl1 grenaille carton 10kg 2.5 € 4 € kg 0.0%
potatoes chair ferme jazzy France myte kl1 carton 12,5kg 1.3 € 1.8 € kg 0.0%
potatoes chair ferme linzer délicatess primeur France myte kl1 17-35mm 3 € 4 € kg 0.0%
potatoes chair ferme noirmoutier myte kl1 grenaille cagette 3.5 € 4 € kg 0.0%
potatoes chair ferme primeur noirmoutier myte kl1 +35mm cagette 5kg 2.9 € 3.5 € kg 0.0%
potatoes chérie France kl1 carton 12,5kg 1.6 € 2 € kg 0.0%
potatoes standart divvarcons France myte kl1 40-70mm 0.9 € 1.1 € 10kg 0.0%
potatoes standart divvarcons France non myte kl1 40-70mm 0.7 € 0.9 € 10kg 0.0%
prune bleue ue kl1 30-35mm 1.2 € 1.5 € kg 0.0%
prune jaune golden japan France kl1 45-50mm 1.8 € 2.4 € 0.0%
prune jaune mirabelle France kl1 20-25mm 3.5 € 5 € 0.0%
prune red France kl1 50-55mm 2.1 € 2.6 € kg +17.6%
prune red Spain kl1 50-55mm 1.5 € 1.8 € kg 0.0%
prune verte reine-claude Spain kl1 40-45mm 3 € 3.5 € kg 0.0%
prune verte reine-claude dorée France kl1 40-45mm 3 € 5 € 0.0%
pêche chair blanche France kl1 a 2.2 € 2.5 € kg 0.0%
pêche chair blanche France kl1 aa 2.5 € 2.8 € kg 0.0%
pêche chair blanche Spain kl1 a 1.4 € 1.6 € kg 0.0%
pêche chair blanche Spain kl1 aa 1.5 € 1.9 € kg 0.0%
pêche chair jaune France kl1 a 2.3 € 2.5 € kg 0.0%
pêche chair jaune France kl1 aa 2.6 € 3 € kg 0.0%
pêche chair jaune Spain kl1 a 1.4 € 1.6 € kg 0.0%
pêche chair jaune Spain kl1 aa 1.5 € 1.9 € kg 0.0%
pêche plate chair blanche Spain kl1 aa 2 € 2.5 € kg 0.0%
radis france 0.8 € 1 € kg 0.0%
radish okrągła fioletowa France 1.7 € 1.9 € kg 0.0%
raisin black magic italy kl1 2 € 2.5 € kg -4.2%
raisin blanc sans pépin ue kl1 3.8 € 5 € kg 0.0%
raisin head sans pépin ue kl1 3.8 € 5 € kg 0.0%
raisin muscat hambourg France kl1 6.5 € 6.8 € kg 0.0%
raisin prima France 3 € 4.5 € kg 0.0%
raisin prima France kl1 3 € 4 € kg 0.0%
raisin vittoria italy kl1 2 € 3 € kg 0.0%
raspberry France 12.8 € 15.2 € 125g ferme 0.0%
raspberry France 15.2 € 18.4 € 125g ouverte 0.0%
raspberry Spain 13.6 € 16 € 125g ouverte 0.0%
raspberry Spain 13.6 € 16 € 125g ferme 0.0%
raspberry portugalia 12.8 € 18.4 € 125g ouverte 0.0%
raspberry portugalia 12 € 16 € 125g ferme 0.0%
romarin France wiązka (les 10 bottes) 5.5 € 6.5 € kg 0.0%
roquette France 6 € 8 € kg 0.0%
roquette italy 6 € 8 € kg 0.0%
saata iceberg Spain kl1 opak 10 7 € 9 € 10 psc 0.0%
spinach France kl1 2 € 2.5 € kg 0.0%
squash green France kl1 14-21cm 1.1 € 1.5 € kg 0.0%
strawberry mara France kl1 9 € 11.2 € 250g 0.0%
strawberry standard Belgium kl1 4 € 6 € 500g 0.0%
strawberry standard France kl1 6 € 10 € 500g 0.0%
thym France wiązka (les 10 bottes) 6 € 7 € kg 0.0%
tomate côtelée aumônière France kl1 2.8 € 3.2 € kg 0.0%
tomate côtelée jaune France kl1 2.8 € 3.2 € kg 0.0%
tomate côtelée noire France kl1 2.8 € 3.2 € kg 0.0%
tomate mélange variétés colorées France kl1 2.8 € 3.2 € kg 0.0%
tomato cherry France 3.6 € 6.4 € 250g 0.0%
tomato cherry France on the branch kl1 4.8 € 7.5 € kg 0.0%
tomato cherry Netherlands on the branch kl1 2.8 € 3.2 € kg 0.0%
tomato round Belgium kl1 67-82mm 0.9 € 1.3 € kg 0.0%
tomato round France on the branch 1.1 € 1.6 € kg +3.9%
tomato round Netherlands on the branch kl1 0.85 € 1.4 € kg 0.0%
zucchini round France kl1 1.8 € 2 € kg 0.0%
échalion France kl1 30-50mm 1.3 € 1.8 € kg 0.0%

Prepared on the basis of