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Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Prices at Bronisze Wholesale Market in Warsaw



Prices from date: 26.07.2024
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Avg Unit Change
Chive 0.26 € 0.35 € 1.5 € bunch 0.0%
Garlic 0.21 € 0.42 € 1.75 € piece 0.0%
Garlic import 1.68 € 2.72 € 11 € kg 0.0%
Leeks 1.41 € 1.57 € 7 € kg 0.0%
Leeks early 0.42 € 0.63 € 2.75 € piece 0.0%
Plums 0.42 € 0.73 € 3 € kg 0.0%
Plums import 0.84 € 1.57 € 4.5 € kg 0.0%
Plums odm. large-fruited 0.73 € 0.94 € 4 € kg 0.0%
Plums odm. typu węgierka 0.52 € 0.84 € 3 € kg 0.0%
anturium 3.14 € 17.8 € 35 € doniczka 0.0%
apple antonówka 0.6 € 0.68 € 3 € kg -6.2%
apple ligol 0.52 € 0.73 € 3.25 € kg 0.0%
apple papierówka 0.52 € 0.73 € 3 € kg 0.0%
apple paula red 0.52 € 0.68 € 3 € kg -11.5%
apple piros 0.49 € 0.63 € 2.75 € kg -15.8%
apricots 1.05 € 2.3 € 10 € kg 0.0%
apricots import 1.47 € 3.14 € 9 € kg 0.0%
aubergines 0.94 € 1.15 € 5 € kg 0.0%
avocado import 0.79 € 1.26 € 5.65 € piece 0.0%
bananas import 1.05 € 1.26 € 5.75 € kg 0.0%
bataty import 1.64 € 1.78 € 8 € kg 0.0%
beetroot 0.16 € 0.25 € 0.9 € kg 0.0%
beetroot leaves 0.52 € 0.73 € 3 € bunch 0.0%
beetroots ćwikłowe early 0.6 € 0.73 € 3.25 € bunch 0.0%
bilberry leśne 7.33 € 8.38 € 38 € kg 0.0%
blueberries amerykańskie 2.51 € 3.77 € 15 € kg 0.0%
broad bean 3.77 € 4.19 € 19.5 € kg 0.0%
broccoli 0.94 € 1.26 € 5 € piece 0.0%
cabbage red 0.25 € 0.31 € 1.3 € kg -6.9%
cabbage white 0.31 € 0.39 € 1.7 € kg -8.2%
cabbage white early 1.05 € 1.36 € 5.75 € piece 0.0%
campanula 1.68 € 1.68 € 8 € doniczka 0.0%
carnations 0.42 € 0.42 € 2 € piece 0.0%
carrot 0.27 € 0.4 € 1.5 € kg 0.0%
carrot with nacią 0.47 € 0.58 € 2.5 € bunch 0.0%
cauliflower 1.05 € 1.47 € 6 € piece 0.0%
celeriac 0.94 € 1.15 € 5 € kg 0.0%
celeriac early 0.52 € 0.67 € 3 € piece 0.0%
celery 0.84 € 1.26 € 5 € piece 0.0%
champignon 1.88 € 2.51 € 11 € kg 0.0%
cherries 1.68 € 2.3 € 10 € kg 0.0%
chinese cabbage 1.05 € 1.26 € 5.5 € kg 0.0%
chryzantemy 1.68 € 1.68 € 8 € doniczka 0.0%
chryzantemy 0.63 € 0.88 € 4 € piece 0.0%
courgette 0.58 € 0.84 € 3 € kg 0.0%
cucumber in brine 2.09 € 2.51 € 11 € kg +4.8%
cucumbers field-grown 0.94 € 1.88 € 7.5 € kg +28.6%
cucumbers glasshouse short 1.02 € 1.26 € 5.5 € kg 0.0%
currants red 1.05 € 2.3 € 7 € kg 0.0%
dalia 0.84 € 1.05 € 4.5 € piece 0.0%
dendrobium 8.38 € 17.8 € 45 € doniczka 0.0%
dill 0.35 € 0.42 € 1.85 € bunch 0.0%
eustoma 1.68 € 1.68 € 8 € doniczka 0.0%
eustoma 1.05 € 1.68 € 6 € piece 0.0%
flat-leaf parsley 0.25 € 0.35 € 1.5 € bunch 0.0%
glasshouse tomatoes 0.81 € 1.05 € 4.5 € kg 0.0%
glorioza 1.26 € 1.26 € 6 € piece 0.0%
grapefruits import 0.98 € 1.26 € 5 € kg -0.5%
grapes red import 1.88 € 2.93 € 11 € kg 0.0%
grapes white import 1.57 € 3.77 € 11 € kg -1.9%
head 2.51 € 5.24 € 18 € doniczka 0.0%
horseradish 3.98 € 4.4 € 20 € kg 0.0%
kiwi import 3.14 € 3.56 € 16 € kg 0.0%
kohlrabi 0.42 € 0.52 € 2.25 € piece 0.0%
kurze 0.15 € 0.27 € 1.1 € piece 0.0%
lemons import 1.1 € 1.3 € 5.95 € kg +4.1%
lettuce butterhead 0.63 € 0.73 € 3.25 € piece 0.0%
lettuce corrugated 0.63 € 0.84 € 3.5 € piece 0.0%
lettuce iceberg 0.81 € 1.26 € 4.25 € piece 0.0%
lettuce mix import 4.19 € 4.82 € 21 € kg 0.0%
lilie 1.05 € 1.68 € 7 € piece 0.0%
low-salt cucumbers 2.09 € 2.51 € 11 € kg +7.3%
mandarins import 1.26 € 1.68 € 7 € kg 0.0%
mango import 1.47 € 2.09 € 9.75 € piece 0.0%
melony import 1.05 € 1.68 € 6 € piece 0.0%
mieczyki 0.52 € 0.73 € 2 € piece 0.0%
nectarines import 1.15 € 1.57 € 6.5 € kg 0.0%
nertera 2.09 € 2.09 € 10 € doniczka 0.0%
onion white 0.24 € 0.26 € 1.2 € kg 0.0%
onion white early 0.79 € 1.47 € 4 € kg 0.0%
onion white sugar i garlic 0.89 € 1.05 € 4.75 € kg 0.0%
oranges import 1.26 € 1.68 € 7 € kg 0.0%
oyster mushrooms 2.83 € 4.19 € 18 € kg 0.0%
parsley 1.26 € 1.57 € 7 € kg 0.0%
parsley early 0.63 € 0.94 € 3.5 € bunch 0.0%
peach 1.05 € 1.88 € 8 € kg 0.0%
peach import 0.94 € 1.36 € 5.5 € kg 0.0%
pears import 1.2 € 1.41 € 6.5 € kg 0.0%
pears klapsa 0.84 € 1.05 € 4.75 € kg 0.0%
pepper green 0.84 € 1.05 € 4.75 € kg 0.0%
pepper red and yellow 1.05 € 1.47 € 6.5 € kg -11.1%
pineapple decorative import 0.94 € 1.26 € 5 € piece 0.0%
pineapple honey import 1.88 € 3.14 € 11 € piece 0.0%
pomegranates - owoc import 2.09 € 2.51 € 11 € piece 0.0%
potatoes 0.23 € 0.31 € 1.25 € kg 0.0%
potatoes IRGA 0.31 € 0.39 € 1.7 € kg 0.0%
potatoes variety iris 0.37 € 0.42 € 1.85 € kg 0.0%
radish 0.25 € 0.42 € 1.5 € bunch -5.9%
raspberries 6.28 € 8.38 € 35 € kg 0.0%
red onion 0.84 € 1.05 € 4.75 € kg 0.0%
rhubarb 1.68 € 1.99 € 9 € kg 0.0%
roses 0.48 € 1.57 € 4.5 € piece 0.0%
saintpaulia 1.78 € 2.09 € 9 € doniczka 0.0%
sauerkraut 1.23 € 1.47 € 6.5 € kg 0.0%
savoy cabbage 1.26 € 1.68 € 7 € kg 0.0%
spatyfilium 3.77 € 8.38 € 25 € doniczka 0.0%
spring onion 0.42 € 0.58 € 2.25 € bunch 0.0%
strawberries 2.93 € 3.77 € 17 € kg 0.0%
string beans 1.26 € 1.68 € 7 € kg -12.5%
sunflower 0.42 € 0.84 € 3 € piece 0.0%
sweet cherry 2.51 € 3.77 € 14 € kg 0.0%
sweet cherry import 2.51 € 3.77 € 15 € kg 0.0%
sweet pea pachnący 2.09 € 2.09 € 10 € bunch 0.0%
słoneczniki 0.31 € 0.84 € 3 € piece 0.0%
tomatoes gruntowe 0.63 € 1.05 € 4 € kg 0.0%
tomatoes rose 0.68 € 0.84 € 3.5 € kg -5.2%
turmeric 1.26 € 1.26 € 6 € piece 0.0%
vegetables 1.41 € 1.57 € 7 € piece 0.0%
vegetables early 1.05 € 1.26 € 5.5 € piece 0.0%
vriesea 3.14 € 4.61 € 20 € doniczka 0.0%
watermelons import 0.39 € 0.94 € 2 € kg 0.0%

Prepared on the basis of the price list on the site

Welcome to the fresh fruit and vegetable price quotations subpage on, featuring the renowned Warsaw Agricultural-Food Wholesale Market "Bronisze"! Established in 1996, the Bronisze market has grown to occupy a vast 42.5-hectare area, including 8 hectares of halls and warehouses. As a leading source for daily updates on fruit and vegetable prices, the Bronisze wholesale market website ensures that suppliers and buyers have access to the latest market information.

With over 350 dedicated entrepreneurs engaging in the purchase and sale of fresh fruits and vegetables, the Bronisze market has established itself as a key player in the industry. By visiting our subpage, you'll be able to stay up to date with the latest price trends and market data, helping you make informed decisions in your business or personal purchases.

Located at ul. Poznanska 98, 05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki, Poland, and reachable by phone at +22 721 55 10, the Bronisze market is ready to serve your fresh produce needs. Don't miss out on the valuable insights provided by the subpage and discover how the Warsaw Agricultural-Food Wholesale Market "Bronisze" can be an invaluable resource for your fruit and vegetable endeavors.