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Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Prices at the Wholesale Market in Łódź, Poland - Zjazdowa

Prices from date: 27.07.2024
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Unit Change
Chive 1.88 € 3.77 € 10,00 psc 0.0%
Chive mały 0.63 € 0.84 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
Early leeks 5.24 € 7.96 € 10,00 psc 0.0%
Garlic 0.21 € 0.63 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
Mushrooms golden chanterelle 8.38 € 10.47 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
Plum 0.84 € 1.68 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
Plum kalipso 1.26 € 1.88 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
Plum katinka 1.15 € 1.26 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
Plum lepotica 0.73 € 1.26 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
Plum opal 0.84 € 1.26 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
Plum rpa 18.85 € 19.9 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
Sour cherries 1.68 € 2.09 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
apple Lobo 8.38 € 14.66 € 15,00 kg 0.0%
apple geneva early 10.47 € 14.66 € 15,00 kg 0.0%
apple jonaprince 5.24 € 10.47 € 15,00 kg 0.0%
apple ligol 5.24 € 12.57 € 15,00 kg 0.0%
apple papierówka 8.38 € 14.66 € 15,00 kg 0.0%
apple piros early 10.47 € 16.75 € 15,00 kg 0.0%
apple shampion 5.24 € 9.42 € 15,00 kg 0.0%
apricot 2.3 € 2.72 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
arugula 0.84 € 1.05 € 100,00 g 0.0%
avocado 1.05 € 1.47 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
banana 17.8 € 23.04 € 18,00 kg 0.0%
basil mała 0.84 € 1.05 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
been green 7.33 € 10.47 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
been yellow 7.33 € 10.47 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
beet early 3.14 € 4.19 € 10,00 kg 0.0%
beetroot leaves 5.24 € 8.38 € 10,00 psc 0.0%
berry 8.38 € 8.38 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
blackberry 1.05 € 1.68 € 250,00 g 0.0%
blueberry 6.28 € 8.38 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
blueberry loose 2.09 € 3.35 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
broad bean 1.26 € 1.88 € 500,00 g 0.0%
broccoli 0.84 € 1.47 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
cabbage 5.45 € 8.38 € bag 0.0%
cabbage red 2.09 € 5.24 € 10,00 kg 0.0%
cabbage white fresh-grown 0.42 € 1.26 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
carrot 2.09 € 4.19 € 10,00 kg 0.0%
cauliflower 0.84 € 1.26 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
celeriac 4.19 € 6.28 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
celery 1.05 € 1.26 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
champignon 5.86 € 6.7 € 3,00 kg 0.0%
chicory 1.26 € 1.36 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
chinese cabbage 3.77 € 6.28 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
coriander mała 0.84 € 1.05 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
corn 1.47 € 1.47 € 0.0%
corn 0.84 € 1.05 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
cucumber 0.63 € 1.15 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
cucumber kiszeniak 0.84 € 1.88 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
cucumber małosolny 2.09 € 3.14 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
currant red 1.05 € 1.68 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
dill 2.09 € 5.24 € 10,00 psc 0.0%
flat-leaf parsley 2.51 € 3.35 € 10,00 psc 0.0%
ginger 4.19 € 5.24 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
gooseberry 1.68 € 2.51 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
granat 1.05 € 1.68 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
grape peru 4.19 € 4.61 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
grape red 3.77 € 4.19 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
grape rpa 3.56 € 4.19 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
grape white 3.56 € 4.19 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
grapefruit red 18.85 € 20.94 € 17,00 kg 0.0%
horseradish 12.57 € 20.94 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
kiwi basket 2.51 € 2.93 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
leaf laurowy 3.56 € 5.03 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
lemon Spain 13.61 € 15.71 € 10,00 kg 0.0%
lettuce 0.42 € 0.84 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
lettuce iceberg 1.05 € 1.26 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
lettuce mix 0.94 € 1.05 € 150,00 g 0.0%
lime 3.14 € 3.77 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
lovage mały 0.84 € 1.05 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
mandarin 16.75 € 20.94 € 10,00 kg 0.0%
mandarin Turkey 1.47 € 1.68 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
mango 1.26 € 1.68 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
melisa mała 0.84 € 1.05 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
melon 2.09 € 2.51 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
mint big 1.26 € 1.47 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
mint small 0.84 € 1.05 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
onion early cut 2.51 € 5.24 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
onion shallot 4.19 € 7.33 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
onion spring with szczypiorem 3.14 € 8.38 € 10,00 psc 0.0%
onion sweet 6.28 € 8.38 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
onion white 2.51 € 4.61 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
orange 1.47 € 1.88 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
oranges navel chocolate 3.35 € 3.35 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
parsley 5.24 € 8.38 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
peach 2.09 € 2.51 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
peach ufo 2.09 € 2.51 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
pear "Conference" 18.85 € 19.9 € 12,00 kg 0.0%
pepper blondy 5.24 € 8.38 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
pepper chili 8.38 € 9.42 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
pepper green 4.19 € 8.38 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
pepper red 3.35 € 3.77 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
pickled gherkins 1.47 € 1.88 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
pineapple 1.26 € 2.09 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
pitahaya( smoczy owoc) 4.19 € 5.65 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
potato early 3.14 € 5.24 € 15,00 kg 0.0%
potatoes 1.88 € 2.09 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
radish 0.25 € 0.5 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
raspberry 2.51 € 3.14 € 0,50 kg 0.0%
red onion 4.19 € 6.28 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
rhubarb 8.38 € 11.52 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
rosemary big 2.09 € 2.51 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
rosemary small 0.84 € 1.05 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
rumex 0.31 € 0.52 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
sauerkraut 0.84 € 0.94 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
savoy cabbage 1.05 € 1.68 € 1,00 psc 0.0%
spinach 4.19 € 5.45 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
strawberry 3.14 € 6.28 € 2,00 kg 0.0%
sunflower 4.19 € 8.38 € 10,00 psc 0.0%
sweet cherry 2.93 € 4.61 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
tomato 4.61 € 7.33 € 6,00 kg 0.0%
tomato cherry Spain 1.05 € 1.26 € 250,00 g 0.0%
tomato cherry twig 5.86 € 6.07 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
tomato polny 12.57 € 16.75 € 18,00 kg 0.0%
tomato rose 4.61 € 7.33 € 6,00 kg 0.0%
vegetables early 7.33 € 10.47 € 10,00 psc 0.0%
watermelon 0.42 € 1.26 € 1,00 kg 0.0%
yellow pepper 12.57 € 14.66 € 5,00 kg 0.0%
zucchini 1.47 € 2.09 € 1,00 kg 0.0%

Prepared on the basis of the price list on the site