Lychees market news
W ostatnich latach obszar High Barind Tract, obejmujący dystrykty Rajshahi, Chapai Nawabganj i Naogaon w środkowo-zachodnim Bangladeszu, doświadczył znacznego wzrostu upraw sadów owocowych, w tym mango, liczi i papai, kosztem tradycyjnych pól ryżowych i pszenicznych. Raihan Kabir Ranju, miejscowy
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Prices of lychee in Vietnam have skyrocketed due to a short crop.
2024-07-10 04:00
Ceny wietnamskich liczi z Bac Giang wzrosły w tym sezonie, osiągając najwyższe poziomy w historii, dzięki zmniejszonemu zbiorowi spowodowanemu niekorzystnymi warunkami pogodowymi.
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India's lychees are getting a modern makeover.
2024-07-10 00:00
Superplum has launched its lychee season as the Indian states of West Bengal and Bihar hit peak production. The company's cleaned and destemmed packs are now available across multiple cities and internationally. India is the world's second largest producer of lychees.
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Superplum lychee season begins.
2024-06-19 07:00
Superplum has started its lychee season as the Indian states of West Bengal and Bihar reach peak production.
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"Hainan Lychee King production has decreased, leading to fluctuating high prices in the current market."
2024-05-30 00:00
This year, the lychee production season in Hainan has been delayed by approximately 10-15 days due to weather conditions, potentially resulting in an early end to the season due to reduced production. Feizixiao lychees from the Haikou production area are nearing the end of the season.
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Approximately half of the Chinese lychees are grown in Guangdong, with the national production reaching 3.1 million tons last year. Chen Houbin, a professor at the South China Agricultural University who has been researching the fruit for almost three decades, told the news agency that he...
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In April, the Chinese province of Guangdong experienced a record-breaking rainfall that was nearly three times the usual amount, as reported by the local weather bureau. This extreme weather, including heavy spring rains and hail, has followed an unusually warm winter, leading to significant impacts on Guangdong's large lychee crop.
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Produkty rolnicze są niezbędne dla ludzkiego zdrowia. Nawet po zbiorach te produkty wciąż są "żywe". Ulegają one procesom metabolicznym, które ostatecznie prowadzą do psucia się. W miarę rozwoju społeczeństwa, poprawia się jakość życia ludzi, którzy poszukują wyższej jakości w rolnictwie...
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Around mid-April, the Mexican lychee season will begin in the regions of Veracruz, Oaxaca, and San Luis Potosi. It will be a brief season lasting until around mid-June. Following this, lychee production will shift to the northern region of Sinaloa. Overall, there will be availability of lychee from all these regions combined.
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Australian lychee is on the increase not only domestically but also to overseas destinations
2024-03-25 00:00
Lychees were introduced into Australia more than 150 years ago and over this time the industry has developed from a "small exotic fruit" industry into a progressive and robust industry. The Australian Lychee industry is represented by the industry's Peak Industry Body, the Australian Lychee
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W ostatnich latach obszar High Barind Tract, obejmujący dystrykty Rajshahi, Chapai Nawabganj i Naogaon w środkowo-zachodnim Bangladeszu, doświadczył znacznego wzrostu upraw sadów owocowych, w tym mango, liczi i papai, kosztem tradycyjnych pól ryżowych i pszenicznych. Raihan Kabir Ranju, miejscowy
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Prices of lychee in Vietnam have skyrocketed due to a short crop.
2024-07-10 04:00
Ceny wietnamskich liczi z Bac Giang wzrosły w tym sezonie, osiągając najwyższe poziomy w historii, dzięki zmniejszonemu zbiorowi spowodowanemu niekorzystnymi warunkami pogodowymi.
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India's lychees are getting a modern makeover.
2024-07-10 00:00
Superplum has launched its lychee season as the Indian states of West Bengal and Bihar hit peak production. The company's cleaned and destemmed packs are now available across multiple cities and internationally. India is the world's second largest producer of lychees.
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Superplum lychee season begins.
2024-06-19 07:00
Superplum has started its lychee season as the Indian states of West Bengal and Bihar reach peak production.
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"Hainan Lychee King production has decreased, leading to fluctuating high prices in the current market."
2024-05-30 00:00
This year, the lychee production season in Hainan has been delayed by approximately 10-15 days due to weather conditions, potentially resulting in an early end to the season due to reduced production. Feizixiao lychees from the Haikou production area are nearing the end of the season.
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Approximately half of the Chinese lychees are grown in Guangdong, with the national production reaching 3.1 million tons last year. Chen Houbin, a professor at the South China Agricultural University who has been researching the fruit for almost three decades, told the news agency that he...
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In April, the Chinese province of Guangdong experienced a record-breaking rainfall that was nearly three times the usual amount, as reported by the local weather bureau. This extreme weather, including heavy spring rains and hail, has followed an unusually warm winter, leading to significant impacts on Guangdong's large lychee crop.
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Produkty rolnicze są niezbędne dla ludzkiego zdrowia. Nawet po zbiorach te produkty wciąż są "żywe". Ulegają one procesom metabolicznym, które ostatecznie prowadzą do psucia się. W miarę rozwoju społeczeństwa, poprawia się jakość życia ludzi, którzy poszukują wyższej jakości w rolnictwie...
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Around mid-April, the Mexican lychee season will begin in the regions of Veracruz, Oaxaca, and San Luis Potosi. It will be a brief season lasting until around mid-June. Following this, lychee production will shift to the northern region of Sinaloa. Overall, there will be availability of lychee from all these regions combined.
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Australian lychee is on the increase not only domestically but also to overseas destinations
2024-03-25 00:00
Lychees were introduced into Australia more than 150 years ago and over this time the industry has developed from a "small exotic fruit" industry into a progressive and robust industry. The Australian Lychee industry is represented by the industry's Peak Industry Body, the Australian Lychee
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Australian lychee is on the increase not only domestically but also to overseas destinations
2024-03-25 00:00
Lychees were introduced into Australia more than 150 years ago and over this time the industry has developed from a "small exotic fruit" industry into a progressive and robust industry. The Australian Lychee industry is represented by the industry's Peak Industry Body, the Australian Lychee
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Basic demand for lychees has noticeably increased
2024-01-22 00:00
As the last shipment of lychees from Madagascar has come in, the season for this delicate tropical fruit is nearing its end. Sedat Bayburt, CEO of SE-SA, a company based at Hamburg's wholesale market, observes that lychees have now become a staple of the winter fruit range. "Since the start of
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"We expect the first lychees to arrive in a few days"
2023-12-18 00:00
Although the traditional Christmas business has become less important over the years, December is still an exciting and high-turnover sales month in the fruit and vegetable trade. "The top sellers include all cabbage vegetables and lamb's lettuce," says Denis Piper, Sales Manager at
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Good demand for lychees from South Africa and cherries from Chile
2023-12-18 00:00
Lychees have long ceased to be a niche product, according to Helmut Bienek, Managing Director of Bienek Fruchthandels. "Lychees and cherries are becoming increasingly popular, especially at Christmas. The lychees are flown in from South Africa. The quality is very good and the prices are
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The first ship arrived at the Primever group's new fruit terminal earlier this week. It carried a container of lychees from Madagascar and was unloaded overnight, with the first shipments expected yesterday afternoon.
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"Lychees, especially from South Africa, are still a specialty"
2023-12-07 00:00
The South African lychee import season is in full swing at N&K in the Netherlands. "The first air freight shipment arrived in week 45. That availability was challenging, but by flying to different destinations, we still received the lychees regularly. They were priced extremely high,
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Exotic fruits are being brought to Novosibirsk for the New Year
2023-12-04 00:00
As the New Year approaches, Novosibirsk welcomes tons of exotic fruits delivered by aeroplanes. Over two months, in October and November, inspectors at the Tolmachevo Airport Customs Post in Novosibirsk monitored 23 shipments of fruits, totalling over 15 tons. The varieties include mangoes,
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From Turkish figs to Iranian pistachios, there is alarm over imports
2023-11-27 00:00
From Turkish figs to Iranian pistachios contaminated by aflatoxins, from Indian spices to Chinese lychees with pesticide levels over the limit, this is the black list of the most dangerous foods that risk ending up in the trolley of Italians in search of savings at the table. E'
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According to data from the General Department of Customs, Vietnam’s durian exports reached $1.63 billion in the first nine months of 2023. In the reviewed period, fruit and vegetable exports totaled $4.21 billion, a surge of 72.5% equivalent to $1.77 billion year on year.
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Chinese lychee exports streamlined
2023-08-07 07:00
Investment into the export supply chain is paying dividends for the Chinese lychee industry with more fruit reaching more markets as a result.
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