Lychees market news
Abundant supply of Australian lychees available on the West Coast of the United States.
2025-01-13 00:00
W tym okresie roku Australia i RPA są dominującymi dostawcami liczi na rynek amerykański. Podczas gdy RPA przynosi największą ilość, Australia skupia się na dostarczaniu amerykańskim konsumentom wysokiej jakości produktów. "Australia jest dobrze znana z tego, że ma dobre liczi, które wyglądają"
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Mozambique is increasing its exports of macadamia and lychee due to rising international demand.
2025-01-03 00:00
The National Almond Institute in Maputo has released data indicating a significant increase in macadamia nut production and exports during the 2023/24 agricultural season. The country achieved a yield of 5,000 tons with exports generating over $27 million from 3,735 tons. Mozambique's macadamia nuts have gained significant prominence in the global market.
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Queensland farm bounces back from bushfires to harvest first lychees in five years.
2024-12-16 00:00
In Bungundarra, near Yeppoon in central Queensland, Eddie Cowie has harvested the season's first lychees after a five-year hiatus. The Cowie family farm faced devastation following two consecutive natural disasters, impacting their lychee production significantly. In 2019, a bushfire destroyed
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Mozambique is increasing its lychee exports to Europe with the goal of reaching $3 million in annual revenue.
2024-12-10 00:00
Exports of lychees from Mozambique to Europe are increasing, thanks to higher production, improved promotion, and technical support for local farmers. This was announced by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Celso Correia, during a recent visit.
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The start of South Africa's litchi campaign has been nerve-wracking.
2024-11-29 00:00
Prices for lychees in Europe and the Middle East may stay higher for longer this year due to South Africa's poor harvest. With limited availability, exporters are rushing to send as many lychees as possible to Europe and the Middle East before the first shipment arrives.
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The Atlantic Clipper, the first ship in this seasonal operation, set sail from Toamasina, Madagascar on November 16, carrying 5,491 tons of lychees in 107 containers, as reported by the Atsinanana Regional Governor's Office. Despite a decrease in production, the export volume of lychees to
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Madagascar's lychee harvest is encountering challenges due to early ripening and shifts in climate.
2024-11-19 00:00
The zbiory rozpoczęły się we wtorek, a cztery statki chłodnicze są w drodze na wschodnie wybrzeże Madagaskaru, aby zebrać liczi. Ten kraj wyspiarski dostarcza poszukiwanej delikatesu na wiele europejskich rynków pod koniec roku. Ale nastroje w portowym mieście Tamatave są...
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The volumes of Madagascan lychee are expected to decrease.
2024-11-08 16:00
The Horticultural Technical Centre in Toamasina (CTHT) in Madagascar anticipates a 50 percent decrease in production across its cultivation areas, resulting in a decline in total export volumes to international markets.
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"Sprzedaż liczi obejmuje zamówienia na skrzynki dla firm cateringowych oraz pełne palety dla detalicznych."
2024-11-07 00:00
At N&K in Barendrecht, the first South African lychees have arrived by air freight. "We started with the Early Delight variety, which will be available for about three to four weeks, after which we switch to the Mauritius variety," says Lorenza Ciccaroni. Starting from week 48, lychees will also be arriving.
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How did the production of fruit and vegetable juices as well as frozen fruits and vegetables evolve in the three quarters of 2024?
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Abundant supply of Australian lychees available on the West Coast of the United States.
2025-01-13 00:00
W tym okresie roku Australia i RPA są dominującymi dostawcami liczi na rynek amerykański. Podczas gdy RPA przynosi największą ilość, Australia skupia się na dostarczaniu amerykańskim konsumentom wysokiej jakości produktów. "Australia jest dobrze znana z tego, że ma dobre liczi, które wyglądają"
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Mozambique is increasing its exports of macadamia and lychee due to rising international demand.
2025-01-03 00:00
The National Almond Institute in Maputo has released data indicating a significant increase in macadamia nut production and exports during the 2023/24 agricultural season. The country achieved a yield of 5,000 tons with exports generating over $27 million from 3,735 tons. Mozambique's macadamia nuts have gained significant prominence in the global market.
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Queensland farm bounces back from bushfires to harvest first lychees in five years.
2024-12-16 00:00
In Bungundarra, near Yeppoon in central Queensland, Eddie Cowie has harvested the season's first lychees after a five-year hiatus. The Cowie family farm faced devastation following two consecutive natural disasters, impacting their lychee production significantly. In 2019, a bushfire destroyed
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Mozambique is increasing its lychee exports to Europe with the goal of reaching $3 million in annual revenue.
2024-12-10 00:00
Exports of lychees from Mozambique to Europe are increasing, thanks to higher production, improved promotion, and technical support for local farmers. This was announced by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Celso Correia, during a recent visit.
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The start of South Africa's litchi campaign has been nerve-wracking.
2024-11-29 00:00
Prices for lychees in Europe and the Middle East may stay higher for longer this year due to South Africa's poor harvest. With limited availability, exporters are rushing to send as many lychees as possible to Europe and the Middle East before the first shipment arrives.
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The Atlantic Clipper, the first ship in this seasonal operation, set sail from Toamasina, Madagascar on November 16, carrying 5,491 tons of lychees in 107 containers, as reported by the Atsinanana Regional Governor's Office. Despite a decrease in production, the export volume of lychees to
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Madagascar's lychee harvest is encountering challenges due to early ripening and shifts in climate.
2024-11-19 00:00
The zbiory rozpoczęły się we wtorek, a cztery statki chłodnicze są w drodze na wschodnie wybrzeże Madagaskaru, aby zebrać liczi. Ten kraj wyspiarski dostarcza poszukiwanej delikatesu na wiele europejskich rynków pod koniec roku. Ale nastroje w portowym mieście Tamatave są...
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The volumes of Madagascan lychee are expected to decrease.
2024-11-08 16:00
The Horticultural Technical Centre in Toamasina (CTHT) in Madagascar anticipates a 50 percent decrease in production across its cultivation areas, resulting in a decline in total export volumes to international markets.
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"Sprzedaż liczi obejmuje zamówienia na skrzynki dla firm cateringowych oraz pełne palety dla detalicznych."
2024-11-07 00:00
At N&K in Barendrecht, the first South African lychees have arrived by air freight. "We started with the Early Delight variety, which will be available for about three to four weeks, after which we switch to the Mauritius variety," says Lorenza Ciccaroni. Starting from week 48, lychees will also be arriving.
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How did the production of fruit and vegetable juices as well as frozen fruits and vegetables evolve in the three quarters of 2024?
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Lychees in Australia heavily rely on pollination services provided by a variety of insects, with the European honey bee (Apis mellifera) playing a crucial role. A report from 2024 highlights that 80% of the lychee crop yield depends on the pollination services of both managed and wild bees.
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Vietnamese passion fruits are being imported to Australia.
2024-09-11 00:00
Passion fruits have been added to the list of Vietnamese fruits officially exported to Australia, becoming the fifth type of fruit to be included after mangoes, longans, lychees, and dragon fruits. The announcement was made during a ceremony on September 9, held by the Plant Protection Department of the Ministry of Agriculture.
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W ostatnich latach obszar High Barind Tract, obejmujący dystrykty Rajshahi, Chapai Nawabganj i Naogaon w środkowo-zachodnim Bangladeszu, doświadczył znacznego wzrostu upraw sadów owocowych, w tym mango, liczi i papai, kosztem tradycyjnych pól ryżowych i pszenicznych. Raihan Kabir Ranju, miejscowy
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Prices of lychee in Vietnam have skyrocketed due to a short crop.
2024-07-10 04:00
Ceny wietnamskich liczi z Bac Giang wzrosły w tym sezonie, osiągając najwyższe poziomy w historii, dzięki zmniejszonemu zbiorowi spowodowanemu niekorzystnymi warunkami pogodowymi.
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India's lychees are getting a modern makeover.
2024-07-10 00:00
Superplum has launched its lychee season as the Indian states of West Bengal and Bihar hit peak production. The company's cleaned and destemmed packs are now available across multiple cities and internationally. India is the world's second largest producer of lychees.
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Superplum lychee season begins.
2024-06-19 07:00
Superplum has started its lychee season as the Indian states of West Bengal and Bihar reach peak production.
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"Hainan Lychee King production has decreased, leading to fluctuating high prices in the current market."
2024-05-30 00:00
This year, the lychee production season in Hainan has been delayed by approximately 10-15 days due to weather conditions, potentially resulting in an early end to the season due to reduced production. Feizixiao lychees from the Haikou production area are nearing the end of the season.
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Approximately half of the Chinese lychees are grown in Guangdong, with the national production reaching 3.1 million tons last year. Chen Houbin, a professor at the South China Agricultural University who has been researching the fruit for almost three decades, told the news agency that he...
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In April, the Chinese province of Guangdong experienced a record-breaking rainfall that was nearly three times the usual amount, as reported by the local weather bureau. This extreme weather, including heavy spring rains and hail, has followed an unusually warm winter, leading to significant impacts on Guangdong's large lychee crop.
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Produkty rolnicze są niezbędne dla ludzkiego zdrowia. Nawet po zbiorach te produkty wciąż są "żywe". Ulegają one procesom metabolicznym, które ostatecznie prowadzą do psucia się. W miarę rozwoju społeczeństwa, poprawia się jakość życia ludzi, którzy poszukują wyższej jakości w rolnictwie...
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