Avocado wholesale prices
Prices from date: Product
Product | Min Price min. | Max Price max. | Unit | Change | ||
14.02.2025 POLAND Wholesale Market "Bronisze" in Warsaw | ||||||
avocado import | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
07.02.2025 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Lublin Elizowka | ||||||
avocado | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
13.02.2025 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Poznan (WGRO) | ||||||
avocado | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
11.02.2025 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Sandomierz | ||||||
avocado | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
14.02.2025 POLAND, Wholesale market Agrohurt Rzeszow | ||||||
avocado | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
12.02.2025 POLAND, Wholesale Market Targpiast Wroclaw | ||||||
avocado | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
14.02.2025 POLAND, Wholesale market Gielda Kaliska in Kalisz | ||||||
avocado import | Buy access | +9.1% | ||||
13.02.2025 UKRAINE Wholesale market Shuvar in Lvov | ||||||
avocado , | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
14.02.2025 UKRAINE Wholesale market Stolichny Kiev | ||||||
avocado hass | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
avocado green | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
14.02.2025 FRANCE Rungis | ||||||
avocado hass Spain | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
avocado hass Spain opak 20 | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
avocado hass maroko | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
10.02.2025 FRANCE Rungis Bio | ||||||
avocado hass ue eco | Buy access | 0.0% |
Avocado buy and sell offers
Avocado Prices, Production, and Trade in Europe |

Kolumbijskie awokado celebrują sukces w Super Bowl
2025-02-14 10:00
The Ambrosia beetle is posing a threat to avocado farms in Malaga and Granada, and the government is taking action in response.
2025-02-14 00:00
Boost in Ugandan avocado production
2025-02-14 00:00
France and Germany are leading the growth in avocado consumption in Europe as demand surges in 2024.
2025-02-12 00:00
"Avokado from Colombia has secured a position in the U.S. market."
2025-02-12 00:00
Other information
Westfalia Fruit has introduced a new line of eco-friendly dyes.
2025-02-11 11:00
Westfalia Fruit has partnered with UK startup Sages London to develop an innovative method for extracting a natural, sustainable dye from avocado stones.
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Spain: Alcoaxarquia integrates Finca Panata and Los Bates into its production structure.
2025-02-11 11:00
The estate located on the Costa Tropical of Granada has 120 hectares for organic avocado and mango cultivation.
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Inappropriate avocados are processed at Westfalia's facility into products such as avocado puree, mashed avocado, guacamole, and more. The avocado skins and pits from the process, which were previously typically used in low-quality applications such as anaerobic digestion plants,
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W ciągu ostatnich lat awokado ugruntowało swoją pozycję jako jeden z filarów agroeksportu Peru. Wolumeny eksportu utrzymują stały wzrost, a owoc ten zdołał przezwyciężyć niedawne poważne wyzwania, takie jak pandemia i niekorzystne warunki pogodowe, które spowodowały spadek produkcji. Rok 2024 nie był łatwy, ale jego
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There is no Super Bowl without avocado.
2025-02-11 00:00
At the most watched sports event in the United States, the Super Bowl, the avocado is a must-have fruit for preparing guacamole sauce, to be enjoyed during the game with chips and snacks. Thanks to the 59th edition of the event, which took place in.
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In collaboration with Efficiency Technologies, the company is evaluating the valorization of all avocado by-products, including skins and pits, in order to optimize their use.
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Avocado pit's natural dye featured at London Fashion Week
2025-02-11 00:00
Westfalia Fruit is dedicated to using every part of the avocado throughout the supply chain. Avocados imported for retail, food service, and wholesale customers undergo thorough inspection. Any avocados that are not suitable are processed at Westfalia's facility to create products such as avocado pulp, smashed avocado,...
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Peruvian avocado production is increasing again.
2025-02-10 12:00
"Since the plants are well-rested, a significantly higher production is expected, provided that the weather and other external factors are favorable," said the consulting company. "However, this increase brings significant challenges, such as ensuring a good..."
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Europeans are consuming avocados at record levels.
2025-02-10 11:00
Konsumpcja awokado w Europie znacząco wzrosła w 2023/24 roku, zgodnie z najnowszymi danymi Światowej Organizacji Awokado (WAO).
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The demand for avocados was high in retail for the Super Bowl, but lower in foodservice.
2025-02-10 00:00
While the movement of avocados leading up to the Super Bowl, a high avocado-consuming event, was typical at the retail level, the demand from foodservice establishments was slightly different. "Foodservice was a little bit slower, with variations depending on the region. In southern California, we observed a slight decline in foodservice orders".
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Kolumbijskie awokado celebrują sukces w Super Bowl
2025-02-14 10:00
Ponad 6 500 ton kolumbijskich awokado Hass zostało sprzedanych przed zeszłotygodniowym Super Bowl, co stanowi wzrost o 350 procent w porównaniu z ubiegłym rokiem.
More than 6,500 tonnes of Colombian Hass avocados were sold ahead of last week’s Super Bowl, an increase of 350 per cent on last year. read more
More than 6,500 tonnes of Colombian Hass avocados were sold ahead of last week’s Super Bowl, an increase of 350 per cent on last year. read more
The Ambrosia beetle is posing a threat to avocado farms in Malaga and Granada, and the government is taking action in response.
2025-02-14 00:00
The avocado sector in Spain's Malaga and Granada provinces is facing a new challenge with the detection of the Euwallacea fornicatus, also known as the ambrosia beetle. First identified in Motril in 2023, this insect has been declared a pest by the agriculture department of the Junta de Andalucía.
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Boost in Ugandan avocado production
2025-02-14 00:00
Kamwaka Bogere Amonie, sales manager of the fresh produce exporter Damex Uganda Ltd, states that there are different seasons for various avocado varieties in Uganda. "The Ugandan Hass avocado season falls within the first rainy season, from February to June, as well as the second rainy season, from July to..."
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France and Germany are leading the growth in avocado consumption in Europe as demand surges in 2024.
2025-02-12 00:00
Najnowsze dane dotyczące spożycia[1] z sezonu 2023/24, udostępnione przez Światową Organizację Awokado, ujawniają, że niektóre europejskie rynki są jednymi z największych konsumentów awokado, przy czym kraje takie jak Francja, Niemcy, Wielka Brytania i Włochy wszystkie odnotowały znaczne wzrosty spożycia na osobę.
[1] - The latest consumption data - najnowsze dane dotyczące spożycia read more
[1] - The latest consumption data - najnowsze dane dotyczące spożycia read more
"Avokado from Colombia has secured a position in the U.S. market."
2025-02-12 00:00
W ciągu niecałej dekady kolumbijskim awokadom udało się zdobyć miejsce na rynku amerykańskim. "W ostatnich 12-18 miesiącach szczególnie zauważyliśmy znaczący wzrost zainteresowania ze strony amerykańskich detalistów" - mówi Andy Bruno, prezes Naturipe Avocado Farms. Jest to wynikiem zwiększonej podaży z Kolumbii.
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Citrus fruits such as Sanguinelli or kumquat, as well as avocados, are increasingly popular in the organic market across Europe.
2025-02-12 00:00
Another edition of Fruit Logistica has just ended in the capital of Germany, the leading country in organic food sales in EU retail with almost 34% of the total, as per the latest report by FiBL, IFOAM - Organics International. In 2022, organic food consumption saw a
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Ostatniego miesiąca (stycznia) w Ekwadorze nadeszły długo oczekiwane opady deszczu, ale plantacje bananów i egzotycznych owoców wciąż mają jeszcze trochę pracy, aby odzyskać pełne poziomy produkcji, jak informuje lokalna branża. David Velez, dyrektor sprzedaży ekwadorskiego eksportera Roses & Fresh Fruits by Ayelen Living.
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Westfalia Fruit has introduced a new line of eco-friendly dyes.
2025-02-11 11:00
Westfalia Fruit has partnered with UK startup Sages London to develop an innovative method for extracting a natural, sustainable dye from avocado stones.
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Spain: Alcoaxarquia integrates Finca Panata and Los Bates into its production structure.
2025-02-11 11:00
The estate located on the Costa Tropical of Granada has 120 hectares for organic avocado and mango cultivation.
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Inappropriate avocados are processed at Westfalia's facility into products such as avocado puree, mashed avocado, guacamole, and more. The avocado skins and pits from the process, which were previously typically used in low-quality applications such as anaerobic digestion plants,
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W ciągu ostatnich lat awokado ugruntowało swoją pozycję jako jeden z filarów agroeksportu Peru. Wolumeny eksportu utrzymują stały wzrost, a owoc ten zdołał przezwyciężyć niedawne poważne wyzwania, takie jak pandemia i niekorzystne warunki pogodowe, które spowodowały spadek produkcji. Rok 2024 nie był łatwy, ale jego
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There is no Super Bowl without avocado.
2025-02-11 00:00
At the most watched sports event in the United States, the Super Bowl, the avocado is a must-have fruit for preparing guacamole sauce, to be enjoyed during the game with chips and snacks. Thanks to the 59th edition of the event, which took place in.
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In collaboration with Efficiency Technologies, the company is evaluating the valorization of all avocado by-products, including skins and pits, in order to optimize their use.
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Avocado pit's natural dye featured at London Fashion Week
2025-02-11 00:00
Westfalia Fruit is dedicated to using every part of the avocado throughout the supply chain. Avocados imported for retail, food service, and wholesale customers undergo thorough inspection. Any avocados that are not suitable are processed at Westfalia's facility to create products such as avocado pulp, smashed avocado,...
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Peruvian avocado production is increasing again.
2025-02-10 12:00
"Since the plants are well-rested, a significantly higher production is expected, provided that the weather and other external factors are favorable," said the consulting company. "However, this increase brings significant challenges, such as ensuring a good..."
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Europeans are consuming avocados at record levels.
2025-02-10 11:00
Konsumpcja awokado w Europie znacząco wzrosła w 2023/24 roku, zgodnie z najnowszymi danymi Światowej Organizacji Awokado (WAO).
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The demand for avocados was high in retail for the Super Bowl, but lower in foodservice.
2025-02-10 00:00
While the movement of avocados leading up to the Super Bowl, a high avocado-consuming event, was typical at the retail level, the demand from foodservice establishments was slightly different. "Foodservice was a little bit slower, with variations depending on the region. In southern California, we observed a slight decline in foodservice orders".
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World Avocado Organization: Avocado consumption reaches new record levels and conquers Europe
2025-02-07 10:00
Germany is leading with a significant increase from 110,000 tons in 2023 to 120,000 tons in the past year 2024, which represents a notable rise compared to the previous year. Italy and the United Kingdom are also showing strong growth, while...
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The growth in avocado consumption supported by quality: McGarlet at Fruit Logistica
2025-02-06 00:00
Avocado sales superstar, McGarlet, at Fruit Logistica, discusses plans to ensure continuous and high-quality delivery.
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Avocado consumption reaches new heights.
2025-02-06 00:00
The latest consumption data for the 2023/24 season, provided by the World Avocado Organization, reveals which European markets consume the most avocados, with countries such as.
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