Papaya market news

Fresh Produce Forum: From data analysis to new sales markets.
2025-02-06 10:00
Papaya exports from Espírito Santo grew by 36% in 2024 despite logistical challenges.
2025-02-03 00:00
Heavy rainfall and fungal infections are causing disruptions to the export of papayas from Panama.
2025-01-31 00:00
Exotic fruit: Tesco wins with papaya
2025-01-27 00:00
Peru's papaya exports increased by almost 27% in 2024, but there is a dependency on one market and a lack of advertising.
2025-02-13 09:00
Regarding the markets, he stated that there are seven destination countries, with Chile being the most important, accounting for 91.4% of the total shipments. Out of this total, 80.7% is made up of Andean papaya and 19.3% of tropical papaya.
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Fresh Produce Forum: From data analysis to new sales markets.
2025-02-06 10:00
Tavares has asked ginger and papaya producers in Brazil about their needs, with a particular emphasis on support through digitalization. The responses range from paperwork and time-consuming manual data entry to lack of transparency and inefficient communication.
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Papaya exports from Espírito Santo grew by 36% in 2024 despite logistical challenges.
2025-02-03 00:00
In 2024, the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo experienced a 35.94% increase in papaya export volume, reaching 19.4 thousand tons and generating $28.3 million in revenue. This marked a 34.67% revenue increase from the previous year, translating to approximately R$167.7 million at the current exchange rate.
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Heavy rainfall and fungal infections are causing disruptions to the export of papayas from Panama.
2025-01-31 00:00
Według Maryan Safi de Aguilar, menedżerki zakładu pakowania Panafruit SA, w 2024 roku panamski rynek papai borykał się z problemami pogodowymi, które zmniejszyły podaż i podniosły ceny w USA. Jednocześnie popyt na zieloną papaję w amerykańskiej społeczności azjatyckiej rośnie, a preferencje dla
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Exotic fruit: Tesco wins with papaya
2025-01-27 00:00
The British retailer Tesco reports a growing interest in exotic fruits in the UK market, particularly papaya, whose growth rates are among the highest in the reference market. Exotic fruits on Tesco's shelves.
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Green Bargosa is celebrating an important milestone: its Aruba papaya has been awarded the 2025 Flavor of the Year award, solidifying its position in the premium fruit market and winning over the palates of Spanish consumers. The Flavor of the Year award is a prestigious seal of approval in the food industry.
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With the approaching Lunar New Year on January 29th, demand is increasing for certain fruits like papaya and jackfruit. "Fruit is typically in high demand during Lunar New Year, as people enjoy gifting it. Ataulfo mangoes are usually a very popular choice for the occasion, but the season...
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Papaya is the fastest-growing fruit, according to Tesco.
2025-01-20 13:00
Papaya has unexpectedly become the fastest growing fruit at Tesco as demand for exotic fruit soars.
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Papaya has emerged as the leader of the exotic fruit boom in the UK with a 160% increase in sales.
2025-01-20 00:00
Popyt na egzotyczne owoce w Wielkiej Brytanii rośnie, a papaja wyłania się jako najszybciej rosnący owoc. W ciągu ostatniego roku sprzedaż papai wzrosła o prawie 160%, co czyni ją popularnym wyborem nie tylko jako samodzielna przekąska, ale także jako składnik zdrowych dań z ryb, kurczaka i sałatek.
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The high cost of air freight is a significant obstacle to exporting Ghanaian passionfruit and papaya.
2025-01-17 00:00
Według Emmanuela Adu, dyrektora zarządzającego ghańskim eksporterem owoców 2k Farms Ltd, obecny sezon jest korzystny zarówno dla papai, jak i marakui: "Głównie eksportujemy papaję i marakuję. Papaja była bardzo wydajna dla nas w zeszłym roku podczas świąt. Popyt lokalny znacznie wzrósł".
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Vietnamese tropical fruits and vegetables are becoming increasingly popular on the global market.
2025-01-03 00:00
Golden Bee has established a reputation for itself through its international trade of tropical fruits. Located in Ho Chi Minh City, the company is dedicated to providing customers with high-quality fruits like durian, longan, jackfruit, passion fruit, and papaya. Their product line also includes vegetables, such as sweet potatoes.
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Cacao fungus is threatening South Africa's papaya production.
2024-12-20 00:00
Tylko garstka plantatorów papai pozostała w RPA, a wśród nich jeden z najbardziej doświadczonych mówi, że przewiduje zrezygnowanie z papai za pięć lat, aby skupić się wyłącznie na awokado. "To smutna sytuacja" - mówi Rodney Cooper z Rodney Cooper Estate w Tzaneen, prowincja Limpopo.
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The papaya market is expected to improve in January.
2024-12-17 00:00
"Podczas gdy dostawy papai z Meksyku są dobre, popyt jest obecnie słabszy. Prezes Super Starr, Lance Peterson, powiedział: „To były właśnie święta dziękczynienia i wiele zimnej pogody sprawiło, że konsumenci się cofnęli”. „Czasami popyt w tym okresie jest dość nieregularny. Kilka lat temu...”
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More and more exotic fruits are also appearing on holiday menus, with avocado up by 11%.
2024-12-17 00:00
Exotic fruit is playing an increasingly important role in Italian food habits. Dole Italia suggests bringing newness, creativity, freshness, and color to Christmas dishes with products like mango, avocado, and papaya. A perfect blend of tradition and innovation. Dole is leading the way.
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Brazil's papaya exports reached a record high in 2024, with a 16% increase in volume.
2024-12-16 00:00
Według danych Comex Stat, w listopadzie 2024 roku wolumen eksportu papai z Brazylii wyniósł około 4000 ton, a przychody z tych eksportów przekroczyły 5 milionów dolarów FOB. Ta wydajność wskazuje na stabilność zarówno w wolumenie, jak i w przychodach w porównaniu z poprzednim miesiącem. Od stycznia do
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Study explores the potential of using parasitic wasps to control papaya mealybug in Africa.
2024-12-13 00:00
A new study conducted by CABI has investigated the possible range of Acerophagus papayae, a parasitic wasp known for effectively managing the papaya mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus) in Africa. Published in the journal Biological Control, the research used predictive modeling to evaluate
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Quality issues are affecting the supply of papayas in North America.
2024-12-02 00:00
The papaya supply is currently facing challenges within the industry. "We are experiencing quality issues due to weather conditions in Mexico, which is leading to market fluctuations," says Anthony Serafino from Exp Group, LLC, highlighting that the majority of the fruit in the market is affected.
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"Ze względu na niskie zapotrzebowanie w tym momencie, nie będzie braku papai na sezon świąteczny."
2024-12-02 00:00
"When discussing papayas, our main focus is on the Formosa variety. Additionally, we provide a selection of other varieties that come in various shapes and sizes. For example, the Golden variety is smaller but of equally high quality. We import these fruits exclusively by air, as we aim to deliver the freshest products to our customers."
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CapGen Seeds is boosting papaya with visits in the Canary Islands.
2024-11-29 00:00
These visits aimed to deepen the knowledge of papaya cultivation, showcasing to attendees the great potential that this exotic fruit represents for the national and international markets. While in the Canary Islands, the papaya cultivation is already established.
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The year-round papaya producers and exporters from Brazil are expecting a 15% growth in papaya exports in 2024. Revenue from Brazil's increased papaya exports has also risen by 7.9% compared to last year. The German market values the Papaya Formosa from Brazil, which is traded throughout the year.
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