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Nectarine fresh-market quotation

Prices from date: 09.09.2024
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Country Unit Change
nectarines Buy access southern europe kg +20.8%


Nectarine wholesale prices

Prices from date: Product
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Unit Change
09.09.2024 POLAND Wholesale Market "Bronisze" in Warsaw
nectarines import Buy access kg +6.9%
09.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Gielda Kaliska in Kalisz
nectarine import Buy access kg +16.7%
30.08.2024 ITALY, Wholesale market in Bologna
nectarines polpa bianca prodotto di massa Buy access k 0.0%
nectarines polpa gialla prodotto di massa Buy access k 0.0%
05.09.2024 ITALY, Ravenna
nectarines polpa bianca 1kl caliber a Buy access k 0.0%
nectarines polpa gialla 1kl caliber a Buy access k 0.0%
06.09.2024 ITALY - Forli'
nectarines polpa bianca prodotto di massa Buy access k 0.0%
nectarines polpa gialla prodotto di massa Buy access k 0.0%
05.09.2024 ITALY, Wholesale market in Catania
nectarines polpa bianca prodotto di massa Buy access k 0.0%
nectarines polpa gialla prodotto di massa Buy access k 0.0%
08.09.2024 UKRAINE Wholesale market Stolichny Kiev
nectarines Buy access kg 0.0%
09.09.2024 UKRAINE Wholesale market Shuvar in Lvov
nectarine (dom) Buy access kg +25.0%
nectarine importmp) Buy access kg 0.0%
09.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market Targpiast Wroclaw
nectarine Buy access kg 0.0%
03.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Lublin Elizowka
nectarines Buy access kg 0.0%
26.08.2024 POLAND Wholesale market Rybitwy - Kraków
nectarines Buy access kg 0.0%
09.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Agrohurt Rzeszow
nectarine Buy access kg 0.0%
09.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market "Zjazdowa" in Lodz
nectarine Buy access 1,00 kg 0.0%
05.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Sandomierz
nektarynka- import Buy access kg +2.7%
06.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Poznan (WGRO)
nectarine Buy access 10 kg +18.6%
09.09.2024 POLSKA, Wholesale Market in Poznan (WGRO)
nectarines Buy access 10 kg 0.0%
04.09.2024 POLAND,Praska Giełda Spożywcza
nectarines Buy access kg +15.4%

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2024-08-08 10:58
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How is the situation on the wholesale market for peaches, nectarines, and apricots in Poland at the beginning of the second week of August? Is the peak supply period already ending? read more

What are the prices of peaches, nectarines, and apricots?

2024-08-08 10:58
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How is the situation on the wholesale market for peaches, nectarines, and apricots in Poland at the beginning of the second week of August? Is the peak supply period already ending? read more