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Sour cherry fresh-market quotation

Prices from date: 26.07.2024
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Unit Change
Cherries (dessert) Buy access kg 0.0%
Sour cherries (for freezing / purchasing) Buy access kg 0.0%
Sour cherries (for pressing / purchasing) Buy access kg 0.0%


Sour cherry prices in packing houses/processing plants

Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Company Date Unit Change
Sour cherries for freezing Buy access SKUP - EKO-SAD 2024-07-19 kg +1.9%
Sour cherries for freezing Buy access PPHU PETRUS Piotr Papiernik 2024-07-22 kg 0.0%
Sour cherries for freezing Buy access Pik owoc 2024-07-23 kg +4.0%
Sour cherries for freezing Buy access SKUP - Rekpol Halina Rek 2024-07-19 kg -1.9%
Sour cherries for freezing Buy access Elita 2024-07-25 kg 0.0%
Sour cherries for freezing Buy access SKUP - MD-Macierzyński 2024-07-23 kg +2.2%
Sour cherries juice Buy access FROZEN FOOD 2024-07-22 kg +11.1%
Sour cherries juice Buy access SKUP - Alco Witold Czwarno 2024-07-23 kg -2.2%
Sour cherries juice Buy access PPHU PETRUS Piotr Papiernik 2024-07-22 kg 0.0%
Sour cherries juice Buy access SKUP - Rekpol Halina Rek 2024-07-19 kg 0.0%
Sour cherries eksport (bez og.) Buy access Alicja S.C. B. Jackowiak 2024-07-24 kg 0.0%
Sour cherry for compote Buy access SKUP - MD-Macierzyński 2024-07-19 kg +9.6%
Sour cherry for compote Buy access SKUP - EKO-SAD 2024-07-19 kg +3.6%
Substandard industrial cherry Buy access FROZEN FOOD 2024-07-22 kg 0.0%
Substandard industrial cherry Buy access SKUP - Mal Fruit Skup i Sprzedaż Owoców i Warzyw 2024-07-22 kg 0.0%
Substandard industrial cherry Buy access FUH Mazur 2024-07-24 kg 0.0%
Substandard industrial cherry Buy access Pik owoc 2024-07-23 kg +28.6%
Substandard industrial cherry Buy access SKUP - MD-Macierzyński 2024-07-23 kg +13.5%
Substandard industrial cherry Buy access SKUP - EKO-SAD 2024-07-19 kg +60.0%


Sour cherry wholesale prices

Prices from date: Product
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Unit Change
26.07.2024 POLAND Wholesale Market "Bronisze" in Warsaw
cherries Buy access kg 0.0%
26.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Lublin Elizowka
cherries Buy access kg +3.4%
26.07.2024 POLSKA, Wholesale Market in Poznan (WGRO)
cherries Buy access 3 kg 0.0%
10.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Sandomierz
Sour cherries Buy access kg 0.0%
27.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market "Zjazdowa" in Lodz
Sour cherries Buy access 1,00 kg 0.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Agrohurt Rzeszow
cherries Buy access kg 0.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND Wholesale market Rybitwy - Kraków
Sour cherries Buy access kg 0.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market Targpiast Wroclaw
Sour cherries Buy access kg +31.3%
26.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Gielda Kaliska in Kalisz
Sour cherries dom Buy access kg 0.0%
26.07.2024 POLAND, Municipal market Inowrocław
cherries Buy access kg 0.0%
cherries (h) Buy access kg 0.0%
26.07.2024 POLAND Wabrzezno - municipal market
cherries Buy access kg +6.3%
12.07.2024 POLAND, Chelmza municipal market
cherries Buy access kg 0.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND, Skrwilno - municipal market
cherries Buy access kg +20.0%
26.07.2024 POLAND, Golub Dobrzyn municipal market
cherries Buy access kg +33.3%
24.07.2024 POLAND,Praska Giełda Spożywcza
cherries Buy access kg 0.0%