Pineapple wholesale prices
Prices from date: Product
Product | Min Price min. | Max Price max. | Unit | Change | ||
09.09.2024 POLAND Wholesale Market "Bronisze" in Warsaw | ||||||
pineapple decorative import | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
pineapple honey import | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
03.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Lublin Elizowka | ||||||
pineapple | Buy access | -7.7% | ||||
05.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Sandomierz | ||||||
pineapple -import | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
09.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market "Zjazdowa" in Lodz | ||||||
pineapple | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
09.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Agrohurt Rzeszow | ||||||
pineapple | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
26.08.2024 POLAND Wholesale market Rybitwy - Kraków | ||||||
pineapple | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
09.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market Targpiast Wroclaw | ||||||
pineapple | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
09.09.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Gielda Kaliska in Kalisz | ||||||
pineapple import | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
08.09.2024 UKRAINE Wholesale market Stolichny Kiev | ||||||
pineapple dole, шт | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
09.09.2024 FRANCE Rungis | ||||||
pineapple pain de sucre import samolot | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
pineapple sweet ameryka centrale b(1100-1500g) samolot | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
pineapple victoria réunion samolot | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
04.09.2024 POLAND,Praska Giełda Spożywcza | ||||||
pineapple | Buy access | 0.0% |
Pineapples market news
There is a high demand for pineapples cut into tidbits.
2024-09-05 00:00
Premium air-freighted pineapples to strengthen their position in the European market.
2024-09-05 00:00
When a pineapple works better than Tinder
2024-09-05 00:00
Panamanian pineapple is gaining dominance in premium markets due to its superior quality and sustainability practices.
2024-09-05 00:00
Smaller pineapples in Côte d'Ivoire due to reduced rainfall.
2024-09-04 00:00
Kazakhstan's fruit and berry exports have decreased by 21.5%, while pineapple and grape shipments have seen a surge.
2024-09-09 00:00
W pierwszej połowie tego roku ogólny eksport owoców i jagód z Kazachstanu spadł o 21,5% do 22 100 ton w porównaniu z tym samym okresem ubiegłego roku, generując 6,9 miliona dolarów przychodu dla dostawców. Eksport jabłek odnotował gwałtowny spadek o 50% do 3 400 ton. Głównymi nabywcami była Rosja.
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There is a high demand for pineapples cut into tidbits.
2024-09-05 00:00
Rosnące zainteresowanie przetwarzaniem ananasów wynika z faktu, że świetnie nadają się one nie tylko do spożycia na surowo, ale również do segmentu świeżo krojonych owoców. Firma PND, specjalizująca się w maszynach do przetwarzania owoców, inwestuje w jakość i innowacje, oferując rozwiązania technologiczne zgodne z...
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Premium air-freighted pineapples to strengthen their position in the European market.
2024-09-05 00:00
The company Las Tres Piñas, located in La Chorrera, Panama, specializes in exporting premium pineapples by air freight, focusing on the MD2 variety. Established in 2020, Las Tres Piñas has experienced rapid growth and has successfully established its presence in the European market by exporting top-quality pineapples.
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When a pineapple works better than Tinder
2024-09-05 00:00
A trend that has been popular on social media for some time now continues to gain traction, turning the supermarket into a meeting place for those looking for love or a simple flirt. How? By placing an upside-down pineapple directly in their shopping cart, as reported by
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Panamanian pineapple is gaining dominance in premium markets due to its superior quality and sustainability practices.
2024-09-05 00:00
W środowisku konkurencyjnym zdominowanym przez duże, rozwijające się kraje, takie jak Kostaryka, panamska firma Isalbert Fruits S.A., założona przez Isaíasa Zarzavillę i Alberta Carrasco, zdołała wyróżnić się na rynku międzynarodowym dzięki swojemu skupieniu na jakości i zrównoważonym rozwoju.
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Smaller pineapples in Côte d'Ivoire due to reduced rainfall.
2024-09-04 00:00
Adverse weather conditions this year have impacted the Ivorian pineapple season, leading to a decrease in the availability of large sizes, as stated by Djegnan Marius, export sales manager at Carte D'OR CI. Marius mentioned, "In the past two years, weather conditions have been unfavorable, primarily due to insufficient rainfall."
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Industria 4.0 Panamá, a relatively young company founded just three years ago, started its operations by exporting MD2 variety pineapples, also known as golden pineapples. According to owners Kimberly Rudas and Eduardo Bohorquez, this variety is exported both by air and by sea.
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Mercadona is withdrawing pineapples from its stores for one hour a day due to a trend of flirting in supermarkets.
2024-09-03 00:00
There is a new TikTok trend in Spain where people meet up for romantic encounters in supermarkets of the Mercadona chain. The rules are simple: between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM, place a pineapple upside down in your shopping cart and walk around the wine section, where you must bump your cart against...
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Davidorlah Farms provides land for pineapple cultivation in Nigeria.
2024-09-03 00:00
Davidorlah Farms, known for its expertise in pineapple cultivation, has revealed that it will be offering 50,000 hectares of land to farmers interested in Nigeria. Ambassador Olusegun Alabi, the CEO, disclosed information about this program during a press conference held at the National Assembly complex.
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An agriculturist, Ambassador Oluwasegun Alab, has revealed that Nigeria is losing N50 million daily from importing pineapples, despite being the eighth largest producer globally with an annual output of around 1,607,200 metric tons. During a press briefing at the National Assembly, Alabi...
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Asia Fruit Logistica preview: Asia, Part One
2024-08-23 10:00
Fresh Del Monte Produce is excited to present its Del Monte Rubyglow pineapples, the latest innovation resulting from over 15 years of research and development. This effort has led to the company obtaining a registered plant patent in the United States. Due to its limited production volume, this fruit is naturally ripened.
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Costa Rica's pineapple boom
2024-08-23 00:00
Grupo Visa from Costa Rica produces and sells fresh pineapples, frozen pineapples, pineapple juice, and dehydrated pineapple. This diversified approach enables them to utilize the fruit to its fullest potential and minimize waste. Max Paniagua, the sales manager at Grupo Visa, emphasized the importance of innovation.
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Spanish authorities have dismantled a criminal network that was smuggling cocaine inside pineapple boxes.
2024-08-23 00:00
Wspólna operacja przeprowadzona przez hiszpańską Policję Narodową oraz służby sądowe Portugalii doprowadziła do rozpracowania przestępczej organizacji specjalizującej się w przemytach kokainy do Hiszpanii w skrzynkach z ananasami. Trzy osoby zaangażowane w ten proceder zostały aresztowane w trakcie operacji. Śledztwo rozpoczęło się w maju.
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Artykuł prezentuje dziesięć unikalnych budynków inspirowanych owocami z różnych zakątków świata. Obejmują one konstrukcje takie jak Japoński Dom Truskawkowy i Przystanek Autobusowy Arbuzowy, Południowoafrykańska Restauracja Ananasowa oraz wieża ciśnień Peachoid w Południowej Karolinie. Te kreatywnie zaprojektowane budynki...
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A popular influencer is endorsing the HEPRO product "Pina to go" for food retailers.
2024-08-20 00:00
HEPRO Ltd is thrilled with the amazing response to the presentation of its pineapple peeling machine by a well-known influencer. The Instagram video in which the influencer showcases the product to her followers has generated significant interest globally. "The video of the 'EDEKA-labelled
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HEPRO: Influencer presents pineapple peeler - pomegranate juicer is ready to launch
2024-08-16 13:00
The HEPRO GmbH is delighted with the impressive response to the presentation of their pineapple peeling machine by a well-known influencer. According to the company, the Instagram video in which the influencer showcases the product to her followers has generated tremendous interest worldwide.
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Panamanian MD-2 pineapple: betting on new markets and diversification in times of low demand
2024-08-13 00:00
The Panamanian company Capitán Piña, specializing in pineapple production and export, and led by General Manager Eliezer Domínguez, has faced a challenging year due to a decrease in orders from Europe, especially Spain, its main market. This decline has been attributed to the local fruit season.
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Australia is assessing the impact of importing pineapples from India and Indonesia.
2024-08-08 12:00
The Australian producers had fewer pineapples available after a natural mass flowering caused the fruits to ripen prematurely. A natural mass flowering in early 2023 led, as reefertrends reports, to an oversupply of pineapples in the Australian market, where tons were available.
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"Gap in pineapple production causes limited supply"
2024-08-08 00:00
Rynek ananasów obecnie doświadcza luki w produkcji. "Teraz zdarza się to częściej latem po naturalnym kwitnieniu, ale obecnie podaż dużych kalibrów jest bardzo ograniczona. Do października dostępność ananasów będzie ograniczona. Również wrzesień będzie również"
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Del Monte "invades" the beaches with the Summer Tour.
2024-08-07 00:00
The Del Monte Summer Tour is kicking off, an itinerant event that will visit three Italian regions with six stops. The branded Del Monte truck and eBikes will catch the attention of beachgoers, who will be able to taste fresh fruit and quench their thirst with Pineapple Crush.
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