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My carrots: Regional and sustainable - start of the local carrot season

2023-06-28 00:00

Carrots are now fresh from the field again. Now the orange vegetable is available in all regions of Germany from local cultivation. At the same time, the carrot is both regional and sustainable, according to Meine Möhren.

The majority of carrots, around 80 %, come from Germany. But it is not only the regional origin that is so special about this vegetable. Every fifth

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Fruchthandel is a global media company located in Düsseldorf, Germany. The company's main focus is on fresh fruits and vegetables, covering everything from planting and cultivation to distribution and consumption. With its roots dating back to 1916, Fruchthandel has a long history of providing expert and timely information on the topic of fruits and vegetables through its flagship magazine, "Fruchthandel Magazin". In addition to the weekly publication, the company also offers special national and thematic editions, an industry guide, and a daily newsletter, "Fruchthandel Newsmail".

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