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Stone fruits were severely affected by unexpected May frosts in Ukraine.

2024-05-15 00:00
W pierwszych dniach maja nagły spadek temperatur nocnych w regionie Dniepropietrowskim na Ukrainie spowodował znaczne szkody w sadach. Petro Liahovicz, właściciel farmy z wioski Władymirowka, zgłosił, że spadek rtęci do -1°C spowodował szkody mrozowe na jego drzewach morelowych i śliwkowych.

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EastFruit is an analytical platform that helps in the development of the fruit and vegetable business. The main goal of this platform is to increase the incomes of producers through more efficient production, storage, processing and marketing of fruits and vegetables. EastFruit is a center of knowledge and experience for all participants in the fruit and vegetable market in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Europe.

The portal is aimed at fruit and vegetable producers, small and medium farmers, producers of fruit and vegetable juices, fruit and vegetable processing, exporters, importers, supermarket chains, suppliers of seedlings, seeds, technologies and equipment, as well as associations and unions of fruit and vegetable producers, state structures and suppliers of services and products for the agricultural sector. In short, for all participants in the fruit and vegetable business.

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