Exotic fruits
Longyearbyen, Norway, celebrated the return of the sun on March 8th after over four months of darkness with its annual Solfestuka Fruktfest at Svalbardbutikken, showcasing exotic fruits such as mangosteens, rambutans, and guavas. This unique event, highlighting the town's diversity with
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Ukraine may expand fresh apple exports and imports of exotic fruits thanks to annihilation of the Russian Black Sea Fleet
2024-03-18 00:00
EastFruit analysts draw attention to the message from the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine about the restart of container traffic in the Black Sea ports of Ukraine within 2-3 weeks. This news is extremely important for the Ukrainian fruit and vegetable business, especially for apple
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Citrus fruits, Battaglio targets South Africa
2024-03-06 00:00
For years, the Piedmontese companyBattaglio Spa - a leader in the marketing of exotic fruit - has been extending its reach outside Europe for the development of fruit cultivation. In particular, it aims at citrus fruit production in South Africa, where - thanks to the
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Rising demand for Turkish exotic fruits in German retail sector
2024-03-06 00:00
On February 22nd, the Bremen-based wholesale company NHD Fruchtimport had double reason to celebrate. The company's founder and CEO, Hüseyin Demirel Sr., marked his 35th anniversary at the local wholesale market. This special occasion was celebrated with long-standing partners and customers
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3F Exotics have been exporting Thai exotic fruit and vegetables to markets around the world for many years. Some of the main vegetable exports are lemongrass, durian and Nam Dok Mai mango, whose main markets are in Europe.
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"The mangosteen is the exotic fruit most in demand".
2024-02-23 00:00
Exotic products continue to be in stable demand, but there is one variety that is experiencing a greater increase in demand than others, and that is the mangosteen. "This product has become one of our most sought-after and valued products," says Rebecca García of Cabefruit.
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Dole launches a new tropical fruit line
2024-02-21 00:00
Dole Italia, a leading producer and distributor of premium quality fresh fruit, announces the launch of a new exotic fruit line consisting of a wide range of Dole-branded products - Mango, Avocado, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Lime and Zenzero - aimed at satisfying the
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“Mangosteen is the most popular exotic fruit item for us”
2024-02-21 00:00
Exotics continue to see steady demand, but there is one variety that witnesses a higher increase in demand than others, which is mangosteen. "This product has become one of our most requested and valued products," says Rebecca Garcia with Cabefruit. "We are pioneers of Mexico-grown mangosteen
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Dole Italia launches a new tropical fruit line
2024-02-20 00:00
Dole Italia launches the new exotic fruit line consisting of a wide range of branded products.The new range consists of 2 references, Mango and Avocado, with an Ean label on the individual fruit, and 6 references in flow pack tray,Mango, Avocado, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Lime and
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Lunar New Year a “mini season” for Dragonfruit
2024-02-06 00:00
Interest looks to be continually growing in North America for exotic fruit. “Post-COVID, retailer data is showing us that consumers are continuing to seek “better for you” items which include tropical and exotic fruit. Aside from being more colorful and newer to North American consumers,
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Conad: 'Exotic is driving the fruit and vegetable department'
2024-02-02 00:00
Exotic fruit in the large-scale retail trade was the category that grew the most in volume sales in 2023, and by the same token in the shops there is a special focus by the chains with ever-changing spaces and assortments. To understand what the future holds in the large-scale retail trade
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Logistics and ripening services for bananas and exotic fruits
2024-01-31 00:00
The African Fruit Company (AFC), based in Hamburg, has announced the formation of a subsidiary. "With the establishment of the 'South American Fruit Company (SFC)', we are expanding and optimizing our offerings for our customers along the supply chain," says Stefan Heine, one of the two managing
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Large-scale retail trade 2023: sales boom (only) for bananas, apples and exotic fruit
2024-01-24 00:00
The year 2023 ended with a breakeven in volume sales for the fruit and vegetable department, even though the two half-year trends have opposite signs but with an ever-increasing inflationary effect.
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Week 52: Lean Christmas for exotic fruit
2024-01-12 00:00
The calendar mismatch does not help to assess the festive period, with days more or less sales than the previous year in weeks 51 and 52 of 2023, but also in the first week of 2024. The value trends for fruit and vegetables by weight imposed are positive and in double
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Governor Newsom plans $22 million spend to tackle California's exotic fruit fly infestation
2024-01-11 00:00
California is grappling with a major agricultural issue, as a tiny insect wreaks havoc on the state's farming industry. On Wednesday, Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled his plan to allocate $22 million towards tackling the problem. The governor's strategy involves investing millions in efforts to
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Less Peruvian Kent crop means fewer shipped, more flown-in mangoes
2024-01-05 00:00
"It was an unusual year, with El Niño climate issues all over the world," begins Ad Verkerk of MBF (Meadowbrook Farms) Savannah, a Dutch company specializing in importing exotic fruits and vegetables. He is referring to the global weather conditions affecting the cultivation of many products,
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"During the Christmas week we unloaded an average of four pallets of exotic fruit per day and, year after year, more and more confirmations come in for these references. Demand is increasing and consumers are sparing no expense to get the best products to put on their tables.
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Weather causes delays on exotics market
2024-01-03 00:00
"Trade has picked up," began Edwin Janssen, a trader at Bud Holland in late November, referring to the run-up to the usually busy December. This Dutch company specializes in exotic fruit and vegetable imports and exports. He adds that exotic sales always start somewhat later in the Netherlands.
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The December holidays have caused an uptick in demand for some exotic fruit varieties and Asian retailers in particular pair exotic fruits to increase store visits this time of year. “Our Brazilian Samba papaya and Ecuadorian white dragon fruits are doing exceptionally well in Canada and
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"Exotic fruit demand not as high as previous years, Physalis is this year's best seller"
2023-12-21 00:00
According to Patrick Stoffels of Stoffels Foods, the demand for exotic fruits is not as good as last year. "That may be partly due to the prices and year-round availability. Passion fruit, for instance, is no longer as special at Christmas; you can buy it all year round. Physalis is this year's
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