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Avocado wholesale prices

Prices from date: Product
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Date Unit Change
26.04.2024 POLAND Wholesale Market "Bronisze" in Warsaw
avocado import Buy access 2024-04-26 piece 0.0%
26.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Lublin Elizowka
avocado Buy access 2024-04-26 psc 0.0%
24.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Agrohurt Rzeszow
avocado Buy access 2024-04-24 psc 0.0%
25.04.2024 POLAND Wholesale market Rybitwy - Kraków
avocado Buy access 2024-04-25 psc 0.0%
24.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market PCRT in Bialystok
avocado Buy access 2024-04-24 psc 0.0%
24.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market Targpiast Wroclaw
avocado Buy access 2024-04-24 psc 0.0%
26.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Gielda Kaliska in Kalisz
avocado import Buy access 2024-04-26 psc 0.0%

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