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Grape Prices, Production and Trade in Europe |


Table grape wholesale prices

Prices from date: Product
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Date Unit Change
16.04.2024 POLAND Wholesale Market "Bronisze" in Warsaw
grapes white import Buy access 2024-04-16 kilogram 0.0%
grapes red import Buy access 2024-04-16 kilogram 0.0%
15.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market Targpiast Wroclaw
grapes white Buy access 2024-04-15 kg 0.0%
grapes red Buy access 2024-04-15 kg 0.0%
11.04.2024 FRANCE. Strasbourg
grape red globe import kl1 Buy access 2024-04-11 0.0%
10.04.2024 GERMANY, Munchen
grapes seedless afryka południowa kl1 Buy access 2024-04-10 -16.7%
10.04.2024 GERMANY Berlin
grapes seedless afryka południowa kl1 Buy access 2024-04-10 0.0%
12.04.2024 UKRAINE Wholesale market Stolichny Kiev
grape киш-миш Buy access 2024-04-12 kg 0.0%
grape молдова Buy access 2024-04-12 kg 0.0%
16.04.2024 UKRAINE Wholesale market Shuvar in Lvov
grapes biale importmp) Buy access 2024-04-16 kg 0.0%
grapes dark importmp) Buy access 2024-04-16 kg 0.0%
16.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Gielda Kaliska in Kalisz
grapes white import Buy access 2024-04-16 kg 0.0%
grapes red import Buy access 2024-04-16 kg 0.0%
04.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market PCRT in Bialystok
grapes white Buy access 2024-04-04 kg 0.0%
12.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Lublin Elizowka
grapes white Buy access 2024-04-12 kg 0.0%
grapes rose Buy access 2024-04-12 kg 0.0%
15.04.2024 POLAND Wholesale market Rybitwy - Kraków
grape white Buy access 2024-04-15 kg 0.0%
grape red Buy access 2024-04-15 kg 0.0%
27.03.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Renk in Gdansk
grapes white Buy access 2024-03-27 kg 0.0%
grapes red Buy access 2024-03-27 kg 0.0%
12.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Agrohurt Rzeszow
grapes white Buy access 2024-04-12 kg 0.0%
grapes red Buy access 2024-04-12 kg 0.0%
04.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market in Radom (RSRH)
grapes white Buy access 2024-04-04 kg 0.0%
grapes red Buy access 2024-04-04 kg 0.0%
16.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market "Zjazdowa" in Lodz
grape red Buy access 2024-04-16 1,00 kg 0.0%
grape white Buy access 2024-04-16 1,00 kg 0.0%
grape peru Buy access 2024-04-16 1,00 kg 0.0%
grape rpa Buy access 2024-04-16 1,00 kg 0.0%
16.04.2024 POLSKA, Wholesale Market in Poznan (WGRO)
grapes Buy access 2024-04-16 4,5 kg 0.0%
12.04.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Poznan (WGRO)
grapes Buy access 2024-04-12 4,5 kg 0.0%


Table grape fresh-market quotation

Prices from date: 16.04.2024
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Country Date Unit Change
grapes red Buy access chile/ peru/rpa/włochy kg 0.0%
grapes white Buy access włochy/rpa/chile kg 0.0%

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