Sweet potatoes
Low seasonality in sweet potatoes
2024-10-31 09:00
Sweet potatoes are a year-round product. This is also reflected in the promotional activities of the retail grocery sector. Throughout the year, there are indeed individual weeks with a particularly high number of advertising campaigns, but these are spread out over the year and therefore not the dominant trend.
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NFSA enhances food safety in Egypt, with sweet potatoes and pomegranates leading the exports.
2024-10-30 00:00
The National Food Safety Authority (NFSA) in Egypt has increased its regulatory efforts to ensure food safety in various sectors. According to its latest report, the NFSA's Information Centre revealed that from October 19 to 25, its Department of Control of Packing Stations and Centers carried out 28.
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Tanja Dworschak-Fleischmann was awarded the SAGAFLOR Award for the best concept in the vegetables/herbs/fruit category last week, surpassing the organic sweet potatoes from Reichenau eG and Bio PLUS+ GmbH, which came in second and third place. Bioland KräuterGut is the leading quality market for organic products.
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ALDI will buy around 2,190 tons of sweet potatoes and pumpkins.
2024-10-30 00:00
How did the production of fruit and vegetable juices as well as frozen fruits and vegetables evolve in the three quarters of 2024?
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Sprzedaż fioletowej słodkiej ziemniaczany, pierwszej Warzywa Roku 2024, nadal rośnie w USA po zeszłorocznym filmie dokumentalnym na platformie Netflix, w którym pojawił się ten produkt. Jeremy Fookes, dyrektor ds. sprzedaży w firmie A.V. Thomas Produce z siedzibą w Livingston, Kalifornia, powiedział: "Nasze wyłączne odmiany, takie jak Stokes".
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Country Crest and Tesco Ireland have successfully secured a €100 million contract extension for the supply of fresh produce.
2024-10-18 00:00
Country Crest and Tesco Ireland have strengthened their future partnership by signing a multi-year contract extension for the supply of potatoes, onions, and sweet potatoes to all Tesco stores nationwide and for online shopping. The contract, valued at nearly €100 million, cements the strong…
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Sweet potatoes: Younger households like to choose them.
2024-10-16 14:00
While the classic potato is mainly purchased by households led by older individuals, younger households are disproportionately represented in the purchase of pumpkins. Similarities between pumpkins and sweet potatoes exist not only in color, but also in...
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Researching the cultivation of sweet potatoes in Hungary
2024-10-14 00:00
Ostatnie doniesienia portalu Agrárszektor.hu przyciągnęły uwagę na krajobraz uprawy batatów węgierskich. Rosnące zapotrzebowanie konsumentów na bataty nie jest zgodne z poziomem krajowej produkcji, co potwierdzili lokalni rolnicy oraz młody plantator, Dávid Márkus.
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The new organic sweet potato harvest of Reichenau eG has officially begun. Organic sweet potatoes are currently being harvested on the island of Reichenau or in the neighboring Bodanrück region using state-of-the-art harvesting technology. The organic sweet potatoes, which are a type of bindweed, are grown on [...]
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The sweet potatoes are marketed through the cooperative, Reichenau-Gemüse. Thanks to state-of-the-art storage technology, the producer has now managed to market the trendy sweet potatoes for a period of twelve months until the next harvest next year.
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The first organic sweet potatoes from Lower Saxony, Germany, were harvested in week 39. "After the subsequent rainfall, we have now paused the harvest for a short time. We don't expect to start the main harvest until around October 12, as the tubers still need a little more mass, which in turn."
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Single sweet potatoes make their debut
2024-10-08 00:00
Bako Sweet is presenting its newest developments at the Global Produce and Floral Show. Visitors will have the opportunity to be the first to see Bako's new White and Purple Single Sweets and discover the brand's perspective on the future of sweet potato purchasing and consumption.
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Fuyu persimmons nicely complement North Carolina sweet potatoes during challenging growing season.
2024-10-07 00:00
Po niezwykłym roku dla rolnictwa we wschodniej części Karoliny Północnej, zbiory batatów rozpoczęły się w pierwszym tygodniu września. Ciężka susza rozpoczęła się pod koniec maja i trwała aż do początku lipca. "Wreszcie przerwał ją nieustępliwy deszcz" - mówi Jacy Barnes Clapp z Farm Pak Products. Od tego czasu...
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"Egyptian sweet potatoes have achieved stabilization in terms of volume, supply, and price."
2024-10-07 00:00
Sezon batatów w Egipcie trwa obecnie pełną parą. „Zaczął się burzliwie, z zatłoczonym rynkiem i gwałtownym spadkiem cen, jak to obserwujemy co roku, ale sytuacja ustabilizowała się pod względem ilości, podaży i ceny. Jest to wcześniej niż w ubiegłym roku” – mówi Nick Bakelaar ze Spotu.
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Global Market Overview of Sweet Potatoes
2024-10-04 00:00
The weather once again plays a significant role in the cultivation and harvesting of sweet potatoes in various countries around the world. Dry conditions in many parts of Europe have led to a one-month delay in the start of Italy's 2024 sweet potato harvest season. It is anticipated that the harvest will only begin in the middle or even
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Avocados, sweet potatoes, and blueberries are the top products driving import growth in Eastern Europe.
2024-10-02 00:00
"Region Europy Wschodniej zwiększyła import owoców i warzyw o 28% w latach 2019-2023, osiągając imponującą kwotę 10 miliardów dolarów, pomijając handel wewnątrzregionalny. Pomimo stabilizacji trendów demograficznych wielu segmentów importu w ostatnich latach, nadal istnieje znaczący potencjał dla nowych"
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The growing dominance of Egypt and reduced profitability of sweet potatoes in Spain have led Viveros Santana to close down.
2024-09-30 00:00
Obszar poświęcony uprawie batatów w Hiszpanii nadal gwałtownie maleje z powodu braku opłacalności; wynika to z wysokich kosztów i dominacji Egiptu na europejskich rynkach w ostatnich latach. Ta utrata konkurencyjności sektora batatów w Hiszpanii doprowadziła do zamknięcia Viveros...
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Polynesian colonization in New Zealand was driven by the cultivation and consumption of sweet potatoes.
2024-09-26 00:00
The latest archaeological discoveries have revealed evidence of American sweet potato starch granules at an ancient site in Aotearoa/New Zealand's South Island. This finding provides insights into the importance of the crop in the Polynesian colonization of colder South Pacific islands. The sweet potato, which has a long history in the region, was...
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"The current focus of marketing new crop sweet potatoes in North America is solely on Thanksgiving."
2024-09-24 00:00
Na Scott Farms w Ameryce Północnej trwa pełne przygotowań żniwa słodkich ziemniaków. "Nasza farma rozpoczęła zbieranie w tygodniu 36. Obecnie całkowicie skupiamy się na marketingu związany z Dniem Dziękczynienia. Pierwsze kontenery na eksport nie zostaną wysłane w morze aż do tygodnia 45. Zbiory idą dość dobrze. Po...
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