Sweet potatoes wholesale prices
Prices from date: Product
Product | Min Price min. | Max Price max. | Unit | Change | ||
24.01.2025 POLAND Wholesale Market "Bronisze" in Warsaw | ||||||
bataty import | Buy access | +35.3% | ||||
24.01.2025 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Lublin Elizowka | ||||||
bataty | Buy access | -6.3% | ||||
23.01.2025 FRANCE, Perpignan | ||||||
bataty | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
24.01.2025 FRANCE Rungis | ||||||
bataty import | Buy access | 0.0% | ||||
20.01.2025 FRANCE Rungis Bio | ||||||
bataty France eco | Buy access | +0.9% | ||||
bataty ue eco | Buy access | +4.3% |
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Sweet potatoes market news
More sweet potatoes will soon be on their way from Brazil to Europe.
2025-01-22 00:00
Vietnamese tropical fruits and vegetables are becoming increasingly popular on the global market.
2025-01-03 00:00
Pozostałe informacje
Come and visit to enjoy the diversity of Baden-Württemberg, and see for yourself the quality of the organic sweet potatoes from Lake Constance, which are offered to visitors in the form of fresh sweet potato salad.
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More sweet potatoes will soon be on their way from Brazil to Europe.
2025-01-22 00:00
More sweet potatoes will be on their way from Brazil to Europe starting from next month to meet the increasing winter demand. This decision comes in the wake of last year's rain in Brazil affecting the harvest and causing a drop in exports. Cassiano Berol, representing the Brazilian exporter Agricola Plantar, stated, "Demand is...
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Ze względu na niekorzystne warunki pogodowe, tegoroczny plon batatów w Karolinie Północnej znacząco spadł. Niektórzy plantatorzy doświadczają obniżki plonu o 30 procent, podczas gdy inni mają do czynienia z obniżkami nawet o 50 procent. W rezultacie krótkiego zapasu, plantatorzy i pakowacze mają być skupieni na.
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Popyt na bataty gwałtownie wzrósł w Izraelu, na Zachodnim Brzegu oraz w Strefie Gazy podczas obecnego mokrego i zimnego zimy. Guy David, szef Stowarzyszenia Przemysłu Batatowego Izraela, mówi: "Popyt zimowy idzie dobrze. Jak dotąd wygląda to dobrze, głównie dzięki kolorowym batatom.
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Vietnamese tropical fruits and vegetables are becoming increasingly popular on the global market.
2025-01-03 00:00
Golden Bee has established a reputation for itself through its international trade of tropical fruits. Located in Ho Chi Minh City, the company is dedicated to providing customers with high-quality fruits like durian, longan, jackfruit, passion fruit, and papaya. Their product line also includes vegetables, such as sweet potatoes.
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"Krajowe francuskie bataty stoją w obliczu zaciekłej konkurencji ze strony zagranicznych odmian"
2024-12-23 00:00
Ferme du Pont d'Achelle has been offering sweet potatoes to its clients for over 10 years. Although the early days were difficult, the Thomas family now knows this relatively technical crop very well. "It is a plant of tropical origin, so we obviously had to make a few adaptations in order to."
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Exports of Japanese sweet potatoes have increased significantly due to efforts to prevent spoilage and implement effective global market strategies.
2024-12-16 00:00
Eksport japońskich batatów słodkich wzrósł dzięki postępowi w technologii zapobiegającej psuciu się produktów oraz wysiłkom w dostosowaniu ofert do globalnych rynków. W 2023 roku Japonia wyeksportowała 6 200 ton batatów słodkich, co oznacza niemal dziesięciokrotny wzrost wartości przesyłki do 2,9 miliarda jenów.
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The North Carolina sweet potato industry remains optimistic about the future despite facing a challenging season.
2024-12-09 15:00
This year, North Carolina is facing a challenging growing and harvest season that will impact the production of sweet potatoes, despite a slight increase in acreage. The North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission (NCSPC) has reported that yields across the state may be down by 20-30 per cent.
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Jeśli chodzi o amerykańskie bataty, Karolina Północna nosi koronę - a stan ten kieruje się rozszerzeniem na kluczowe rynki europejskie.
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Egypt's food exports have increased by 15.7%, with sweet potatoes and citrus fruits leading the way.
2024-11-28 00:00
Egypt's food exports saw a rise, reaching 162,000 tons in the week ending November 22, which is a 15.7 percent increase from the previous week, as reported by the Cabinet. This volume includes a wide variety of over 680 types of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other food products.
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Ghana is ready to capitalize on the high demand for sweet potatoes next year, as a result of a notable expansion in acreage, the introduction of European-popular varieties, and ongoing marketing initiatives. This was announced by Felix Kamassah, CEO of Maphlix Trust Ghana.
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Value-added sweet potato products provide inspiration not only during the holidays but also beyond.
2024-11-26 00:00
Thanksgiving is the season of comfort food, and sweet potatoes are taking center stage, thanks to Bako Sweet® and their array of holiday-inspired recipes and retail solutions. From traditional Sweet Potato Casserole to twists like Apple Pie Stuffed Sweet Potatoes and Parmesan Crusted Sweet Potatoes.
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Egypt's food exports have increased by 15.7%, with sweet potatoes and citrus fruits leading the way.
2024-11-26 00:00
Egypt's food exports saw an increase, reaching 162,000 tons in the week ending November 22, which is a 15.7 percent rise from the previous week, as stated in a report by the Cabinet. This figure includes a wide variety of over 680 types of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other food products.
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The supply of sweet potatoes from North Carolina, the state responsible for two thirds of U.S. sweet potato production, was not optimal due to uncontrollable environmental factors. "Yields are down about 50 percent and packouts are well below historical averages," says Norman Brown.
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Podaż batatów z Missisipi poprawiła się w ciągu jesieni. "Wygląda naprawdę dobrze" - mówi Lindsey Edmondson z Topashaw Farms Packing. "Na początku myśleliśmy, że plony będą mniejsze z powodu braku deszczu, ale huragan (Francine), który przeszedł przez nas, dał nam dokładnie to, czego potrzebowaliśmy."
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Seasonal change in retail advertisements with a holiday theme despite fluctuating prices of various products.
2024-11-05 00:00
Ads this week were still full of Autumn items, but retailers showed they are ready to roll into the holiday season by offering deals on meal favorites, baking supplies, and gift ideas. Sweet potatoes, cranberries, pomegranates, persimmons, carrots, winter squash, and celery were front and center.
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Tetiana Ivchenko, Head of the Laboratory at the Institute of Vegetable and Melon Growing at the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (NAAS) and Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, is sharing the advantages of cultivating sweet potatoes, their health benefits, and their high export potential.
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Low seasonality in sweet potatoes
2024-10-31 09:00
Sweet potatoes are a year-round product. This is also reflected in the promotional activities of the retail grocery sector. Throughout the year, there are indeed individual weeks with a particularly high number of advertising campaigns, but these are spread out over the year and therefore not the dominant trend.
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NFSA enhances food safety in Egypt, with sweet potatoes and pomegranates leading the exports.
2024-10-30 00:00
The National Food Safety Authority (NFSA) in Egypt has increased its regulatory efforts to ensure food safety in various sectors. According to its latest report, the NFSA's Information Centre revealed that from October 19 to 25, its Department of Control of Packing Stations and Centers carried out 28.
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ALDI will buy around 2,190 tons of sweet potatoes and pumpkins.
2024-10-30 00:00