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Sweet corn market news

Popyt na hiszpańskie truskawki jest wysoki, podczas gdy produkcja została spowolniona przez zimną pogodę i opady deszczu.
2025-02-13 00:00
Duchy College is conducting trials to evaluate 73 different varieties of cauliflower under difficult growing conditions.
2025-02-12 00:00
The development plans of the Alegra Group at Fruit Logistica
2025-02-11 00:00
Cauliflower trials bring together the brassica category in Cornwall.
2025-02-10 16:00
Frank P. Matthews is introducing a newly discovered heritage pear variety called Cornishgold.
2025-02-10 00:00
Examining the genome sequence of the blue-flowering cornflower.
2025-02-06 00:00
Produkcja warzyw w USA w 2024 roku: spadek produkcji pomidorów, kukurydzy cukrowej i szparagów, podczas gdy brokuły i marchew zyskują na wartości.
2025-02-13 00:00
The 2024 vegetable production report showcases notable changes in crop yields, planted and harvested areas, and market values in various categories. Several major vegetable crops saw a decrease in production, with asparagus down by 14%, snap beans by 21%, and sweet corn by 14% compared to the previous year.
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Popyt na hiszpańskie truskawki jest wysoki, podczas gdy produkcja została spowolniona przez zimną pogodę i opady deszczu.
2025-02-13 00:00
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, a time when strawberries become the star of the fruit section in European supermarkets. The demand for strawberries remains high, while the supply, mainly coming from Spain at the moment, is still limited due to the impact of the cold weather.
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Duchy College is conducting trials to evaluate 73 different varieties of cauliflower under difficult growing conditions.
2025-02-12 00:00
The Duchy College Cornish autumn and winter cauliflower trials recently attracted around 70 attendees, including growers, agronomists, packers, and breeders. This annual event allows participants to evaluate new cauliflower and brassica varieties from leading seed houses. It also facilitates networking and knowledge sharing within the industry.
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The development plans of the Alegra Group at Fruit Logistica
2025-02-11 00:00
At Fruit Logistica 2025, the Alegra Group was present, focusing on various innovative projects. "Some have been in progress for some time," explained Mauro Laghi, general manager of the Alegra Group, "such as the project of Cornelio, the horn pepper that has opened a new sector in Italy."
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Cauliflower trials bring together the brassica category in Cornwall.
2025-02-10 16:00
Around 70 growers, agronomists, packers, and breeders attended the recent Duchy College Cornish autumn and winter cauliflower trials in Cornwall, UK. These trials provide an annual opportunity for brassica specialists to come together and evaluate the new varieties from all the major seed companies.
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Frank P. Matthews is introducing a newly discovered heritage pear variety called Cornishgold.
2025-02-10 00:00
Frank P Matthews, a UK-based tree nursery, has introduced a new pear variety called Cornishgold. This pear was originally discovered in Launceston, where it was known as the Treburrow Pear. The tree was found in the kitchen garden of a historic farmhouse. Despite being unnoticed for centuries, this ancient tree produced fruit with
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Examining the genome sequence of the blue-flowering cornflower.
2025-02-06 00:00
The genom of the cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) was sequenced using long reads (ONT) to uncover the complete sequences of genes involved in flavonoid biosynthesis. Genes responsible for the vibrant blue pigmentation of the flower are especially fascinating. Through basecalling, read correction, and.
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Harvest London has launched a vertical farm in Canada Water.
2025-02-04 12:00
Harvest London has launched what it claims is London’s largest integrated indoor vertical farm within Corner Corner in Canada Water.
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Agrintesa: technical training to tackle market challenges
2025-01-31 00:00
Today, Friday, January 31st, will mark the end of the calendar of technical meetings organized by Agrintesa for its shareholder base. This annual event is a cornerstone of the technical support and assistance provided to producer members to improve their production levels.
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A new horned violet introduced at IPM Essen.
2025-01-29 00:00
Syngenta Flowers has introduced Penny Pro at IPM ESSEN: a new viola cornuta series better optimized for spring and autumn production. Jeanine Janssen, Breeder for Viola cornuta: "With Penny Pro, we've focused on breeding for reliability and robustness across diverse conditions and seasons. Our
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It might have been Blue Monday this week, but in the Netherlands, it has been Grey January for almost a month now as there has been nothing but fog for days. For the grower with a cold greenhouse, like Martin Prins in Maasdijk, it's the ideal time to do something fun. Every year he plants a corner of...
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In a quiet corner of West Bengal's East Midnapore district, Kolaghat comes alive every morning. Its flower market, adorned with vibrant yellow marigolds and delicate pink roses, hums with a serene energy. In the midst of this lively activity, young Arup Kumar Ghosh grew up, discovering
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"The unreliability of shipping companies following the Red Sea incidents is making just-in-time deliveries more difficult."
2025-01-22 00:00
With Chinese New Year just around the corner, there is always peak traffic for Belgian Fruit Valley. The company, which became part of BelOrta last year, has been working on promoting Belgian Conference pears to the Asian market once again. "The rush is carefully planned because we know that leading up to the holiday...
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Alegra relaunches Valfrutta's Cornelio pepper under the Fresh brand.
2025-01-20 00:00
The Alegrasi Group is presented at Marca 25 with an expanded exhibition space and a relaunch project for Valfrutta's Cornelio pepper.
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Było możliwe, że dojdzie do niedoborów, ale nadejście zimnej fali stabilizuje zbioru.
2025-01-15 00:00
Peloton Produce is a company based in Lincolnshire that grows vegetables in the heart of Lincolnshire on silt lands and Cornwall, as well as in Southern Spain. They reported that in the lead-up to Christmas, sales were strong and crops were generally exceeding production forecasts. During the Christmas...
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Avocados from Kenya, passion fruit from Ghana, limes from Colombia, sweet corn from Morocco, ginger from Brazil, citrus fruit from Egypt, pitahayas from Ecuador, and mangoes from Senegal - international buyers will find the best from many developing and emerging countries at the Import Promotion.
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"Timely start to the organic grape season abroad following a delayed winter in South Africa"
2025-01-03 00:00
"It seems everything was slightly delayed due to a late winter in South Africa. But temperatures there are now so good that brix development is up to scratch, and the grapes are on schedule," Cornelis Ernst, Product Manager, and Wessel van Doesburg, Account Manager at OTC Organics, told us.
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This is how fruits and vegetables become the stars of the holidays.
2024-12-23 00:00
Christmas is around the corner and, as often happens for other holidays, the social media community is getting creative with themed ideas. This is the case with Christmas tree fruit platters that are literally becoming very popular on.
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A new way of narrating organic products: It's Bio's corners
2024-12-20 00:00
A new format to better showcase organic fruits and vegetables in retail stores. And a new approach to communicate organic products to the public, especially targeting those consumer groups that still engage too little with organic produce. Presenting this innovative formula are...
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The Tasmanian cherry season has started.
2024-12-19 01:00
To celebrate the start of Tasmania's cherry season, Minister for Primary Industries and Water Jane Howlett and Fruit Growers Tasmania Chief Executive Peter Cornish have visited several retailers in the state to taste the early season cherries.
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