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Carrot fresh-market quotation

Prices from date: 26.07.2024
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Unit Change
carrot early Buy access kg 0.0%


Carrot prices in packing houses/processing plants

Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Company Date Unit Change
carrot (na paszę) Buy access Brawo S.C 2024-07-24 kg 0.0%
carrot washed Buy access P.H.U. Kiciński 2024-07-26 kg 0.0%


Carrot wholesale prices

Prices from date: Product
Product Min Price min. Max Price max. Unit Change
26.07.2024 POLAND Wholesale Market "Bronisze" in Warsaw
carrot Buy access kg 0.0%
carrot with nacią Buy access bunch 0.0%
26.07.2024 POLAND Wabrzezno - municipal market
carrot Buy access kg 0.0%
22.07.2024 FRANCE Rungis Bio
carrot France avec fane eco wiązka Buy access kg -5.2%
carrot France myte eco Buy access kg -2.9%
carrot France non myte eco Buy access kg +3.4%
26.07.2024 FRANCE Rungis
carrot France (fresh) Buy access kg 0.0%
carrot France Buy access 12kg 0.0%
carrot France kl1 Buy access 10kg 0.0%
carrot Spain (fresh) Buy access kg 0.0%
carrot Spain kl1 Buy access 10kg 0.0%
25.07.2024 FRANCE, Perpignan
carrot Buy access kg 0.0%
24.07.2024 GERMANY, Munchen
carrot Belgium kl1 Buy access 12kg 0.0%
carrot Germany (fresh) Buy access kg -4.0%
carrot Germany kl1 Buy access 12kg -12.5%
carrot Germany kl1 sachet Buy access 1kg -8.0%
carrot italy kl1 Buy access 12kg 0.0%
24.07.2024 GERMANY Berlin
carrot Germany (fresh) Buy access kg 0.0%
carrot Germany kl1 Buy access 12kg -4.2%
carrot Germany kl1 sachet Buy access 1kg 0.0%
carrot italy kl1 Buy access 12kg 0.0%
26.07.2024 UKRAINE Wholesale market Stolichny Kiev
carrot минулорічна Buy access kg 0.0%
carrot молода Buy access kg 0.0%
26.07.2024 UKRAINE Wholesale market Shuvar in Lvov
carrot (dom) Buy access kg -28.5%
carrot (dom) Buy access kg -28.5%
10.07.2024 POLAND, Chelmno municipal market
carrot Buy access kg 0.0%
26.07.2024 POLAND, Golub Dobrzyn municipal market
carrot Buy access kg 0.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND, Skrwilno - municipal market
carrot Buy access kg 0.0%
26.07.2024 POLAND, Chelmza municipal market
carrot Buy access kg -20.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND Koronowo - municipal market
carrot Buy access kg -12.5%
26.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Lublin Elizowka
carrot early Buy access kg 0.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND Grudziądz - municipal market
carrot (h) Buy access kg 0.0%
26.07.2024 POLAND, Municipal market Inowrocław
carrot Buy access kg 0.0%
carrot (h) Buy access kg 0.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND, wholesale market Grudziandz
carrot (h) Buy access kg 0.0%
26.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Gielda Kaliska in Kalisz
carrot - Poland Buy access kg 0.0%
carrot with natką dom Buy access bunch +10.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market Targpiast Wroclaw
carrot Buy access kg 0.0%
carrot import Buy access kg 0.0%
carrot early with nacią Buy access bunch 0.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND Wholesale market Rybitwy - Kraków
marchewka Buy access kg 0.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Renk in Gdansk
carrot Buy access kg 0.0%
25.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale market Agrohurt Rzeszow
carrot early Buy access kg 0.0%
27.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market "Zjazdowa" in Lodz
carrot Buy access 10,00 kg 0.0%
10.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Sandomierz
carrot Buy access kg 0.0%
26.07.2024 POLAND, Wholesale Market in Poznan (WGRO)
carrot Buy access 10 kg -24.2%
carrot early with nacią Buy access 10 psc 0.0%
26.07.2024 POLSKA, Wholesale Market in Poznan (WGRO)
carrot early Buy access 10 kg 0.0%
carrot early with nacią Buy access 1 bunch 0.0%
24.07.2024 POLAND,Praska Giełda Spożywcza
carrot Buy access kg +22.2%

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