Morocco achieves record blueberry exports to Eastern Europe in 2024.
2024-09-26 00:00
W pierwszej połowie 2024 roku Maroko wyeksportowało rekordową ilość świeżych borówek do kilku krajów Europy Wschodniej, zgodnie z informacjami ze strony EastFruit. Eksporterzy z Maroka przewyższyli wyniki całego poprzedniego roku kalendarzowego, znacząco umacniając swoją pozycję na kluczowym rynku regionalnym.
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Fresh Market 2024: The Largest B2B Meeting for the Fruit, Vegetable, and Flower Industry in Central and Eastern Europe.
2024-09-21 09:27
On September 18, 2024, at the Mazurkas Conference Center in Ożarów Mazowiecki, the Fresh Market 2024 took place – the largest B2B meeting in Poland and Central-Eastern Europe dedicated to the fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers industry. The event brought together key producers, suppliers, and buyers from major retail chains in Poland and neighboring countries.
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Probiotic foods improve gut health.
2024-09-18 10:00
Wonder Veggies is a popular term used to refer to a variety of vegetables that are known for their exceptional health benefits and nutritional value. These vegetables are often praised for their high levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other important nutrients that can help support overall health and well-being. Some examples of Wonder Veggies include kale, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Incorporating these vegetables into your diet can help boost your immune system, improve digestion, and promote heart health.
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W roku kalendarzowym 2015 ponad 95 procent obszaru produkcji orzechów włoskich na Ukrainie było zajmowane przez małe, prywatne gospodarstwa rodzinne. W roku kalendarzowym 2023 te gospodarstwa stanowiły około 74 procent całkowitej powierzchni. Post przewiduje, że ten spadkowy trend produkcji orzechów włoskich w gospodarstwach rodzinnych będzie kontynuowany w średnim i długim okresie, ponieważ drzewa starzeją się.
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Kiwi Zespri debuts at the Kalemana Festival.
2024-09-11 00:00
Zespri™ Kiwifruit, a New Zealand company and a global leader in the production and marketing of kiwifruit, will be present on September 14th and 15th at Punta Marina (Ravenna) at the Kalemana Festival, the largest Italian experience festival that combines yoga, sports, and wellness. This event is now in its third year.
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The value of Iran's agricultural exports is increasing.
2024-09-02 00:00
Według raportu z Urzędu Celnego Islamskiej Republiki Iranu (IRICA), Iran zanotował wzrost o 33 procent wartości eksportu produktów rolnych w pierwszych pięciu miesiącach bieżącego roku kalendarzowego irańskiego, w porównaniu do tego samego okresu w poprzednim.
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Kaleris acquires Cams Software
2024-07-15 00:00
Kaleris, a leading provider of supply chain execution and visibility solutions, has announced the acquisition of CAMS Software, the top player in transportation solutions tailored for large-scale grocery distribution. This acquisition broadens Kaleris' portfolio by integrating CAMS.
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"Zaczynamy teraz od pomarańczy pigmentowanych Ruby z Walencji, które wyróżniają się na rynku cytrusów w tym okresie roku."
2024-07-03 00:00
Konsumpcja pomarańczy o ciemnej barwie nadal rośnie, a ich dostawy stają się coraz bardziej zróżnicowane. Valencijska firma Citrus Nostrum pozostaje zobowiązana do zwiększenia produkcji pomarańczy o ciemnej barwie pod markami Red Kalesi lub Beriland Family Taste, pod którymi sprzedaje.
The consumption of pigmented oranges continues to grow and their supply is becoming increasingly diversified. The Valencian company Citrus Nostrum remains committed to increasing its production of pigmented oranges under the Red Kalesi or Beriland Family Taste labels, brands under which it sells. read more
The consumption of pigmented oranges continues to grow and their supply is becoming increasingly diversified. The Valencian company Citrus Nostrum remains committed to increasing its production of pigmented oranges under the Red Kalesi or Beriland Family Taste labels, brands under which it sells. read more
Sezon mango w Egipcie właśnie się rozpocznie. „Kalendarze będą startować o normalnych porach, a ilość i jakość będą pozostawać stabilne pomimo wyzwań związanych z zmianami klimatycznymi” - mówi Walid Sallam, Kierownik Eksportu i Konsultant Techniczny z egipskich firm, takich jak MK Entreprise.
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Ilovačka šljiva Serbia je jedan od najvećih proizvođača šljiva u svetu. Izvoz šljiva iz Srbije u zapadnu Evropu stalno raste.
2024-06-06 00:00
Eksport śliwek z Serbii do Europy Zachodniej, głównie do Niemiec, stale rośnie od kilku ostatnich sezonów. Inne owoce pestkowe, takie jak morele, borykają się z stratami spowodowanymi przez przymrozki w późną wiosnę. Ivica Djordjević z rodzinnego szkółki "Kalem Djordjević" zlokalizowanej w centralnej Serbii, mówi:
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Fruit trees are blooming in Lapseki, Turkey.
2024-04-18 00:00
In the Lapseki district of Çanakkale, Turkey, known for its important role in the country's fruit production, the orchards are currently in bloom, resembling the Japanese Sakura blossoms. This signals a promising harvest season ahead. Ali Kaçan, the district's ...
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Turkey: Construction has started on a Phalaenopsis propagation laboratory in Çanakkale.
2024-04-18 00:00
Labeau has announced the start of construction for a Phalaenopsis propagation laboratory in Çanakkale, Turkey. The opening ceremony was held on April 16, with around 150 guests in attendance to mark the beginning of this new project. The LAB, the sixth in Labeau's series, is now officially underway.
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US (FL): Decowraps unveils remodeled showroom
2024-04-02 00:00
Decowraps, a leader in the floral industry, is thrilled to announce the grand opening of its newly remodeled showroom, a haven where a floral packaging wonderland awaits. As visitors step through Decowraps' doors, they will be immersed in a kaleidoscope of colors and textures meticulously
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US (FL): Decowraps unveils remodeled showroom
2024-04-02 00:00
Decowraps, a leader in the floral industry, is thrilled to announce the grand opening of its newly remodeled showroom, a haven where a floral packaging wonderland awaits. As visitors step through Decowraps' doors, they will be immersed in a kaleidoscope of colors and textures meticulously
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US (FL): Farmworkers, supporters rally near Wendy's board chairman's home in Palm Beach
2024-03-11 00:00
Dozens of farmworkers and their allies of all ages gathered Sunday in Palm Beach, the third and final day of the Farmworker Freedom Festival presented by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to highlight the Fair Food Program. Their goal on a sunny morning in one of the wealthiest towns in the
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A recent investigation by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign delves into the factors influencing E. coli contamination across various leafy greens, including romaine and green-leaf lettuce, spinach, kale, and collards. Mengyi Dong, the study's lead author, highlights the frequent
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'In India, grape production is almost 20 per cent higher'
2024-02-26 00:00
The production of an Indian farmers' cooperative is expected to grow by about 20 per cent compared to the previous season. This is stated by Ganesh Kale, business development director of Om Gayatri. "The performance of the 2024 Indian grape season has been good so far, as far as
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"India's grape production will increase by almost 20%".
2024-02-23 00:00
According to Ganesh Kale, business development manager at Om Gayatri, the production of an Indian farmers' cooperative is expected to grow by around 20 per cent compared to the previous season: "The progress of the 2024 Indian grape season has been good so far, in terms of
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"Grape production in India is almost 20% higher"
2024-02-22 00:00
The production of one Indian farmer based co-operative is expected to grow by about 20% compared to the previous season, says Ganesh Kale, director of business development at Om Gayatri: "The progress of the 2024 Indian grape season has been good up until now, as far as production and packing
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Big demand for Cornwall's cauliflower
2024-02-02 00:00
Cauliflower, Savoy and spring green cabbage and kale are all in production at the moment in Cornwall while preparations are being made for new season planting.
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